Kita Villa Konfetti

Kindergarten: 75 (im Alter von 3 Jahren bis Schuleintritt)

Kita Villa Konfetti
Ahornplatz 4
61191 Rosbach v.d.Höhe
Funding authority
Stadt Rosbach v.d.Höhe
Homburger Str. 64
61191 Rosbach v.d.Höhe
06003 - 829519 (Frau Müller / Frau Riehl)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysBetriebsausflug am 30.06.2023 (ohne Notdienst)
Desinfektionstag am 11.08.2023 (ohne Notdienst)
Sommerferien 14.08. bis 01.09.2023 (Notdienst, separate Anmeldung erforderlich)
Personalversammlung am 18.10.2023 (Kita schließt um 14:30 Uhr)
Winterferien 25.12. bis 29.12.2023 (ohne Notdienst)
Konzeptionstag am 09.10.23 Notdienst in der KITA Luna.
Pädagogischer Tag am 06.07.2023 kein Notdienst.
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch

Current information


Variety guaranteed: Our semi-open concept offers the alternation of free play time and binding structure. In the free play times, the children have the task of organizing themselves and making decisions: Where do I want to play? With whom do I want to play? What do I want to play? Own initiatives can be developed. Social interaction is practiced, because in the play groups, for example, roles have to be defined: Who decides what is played? Which suggestion is accepted? Are toys shared?

During free play times, there are also various activities on offer: Reading, crafts, gymnastics, building, etc. The children decide for themselves whether they want to participate.

During group time, there is mandatory participation in the offers and projects. The group does something together. Chair and talk circles take place. Projects are worked out and experienced together. In the group time of the preschool children, social interaction is intensively promoted through projects and excursions with a view to school. The children get involved with new things.  In doing so, skills such as implementing and working on assignments, listening and working together are important to us.

Social interaction is our most important concern and is the focus of our activities. Of course, your children will also learn everyday skills such as getting dressed, going to the bathroom, holding a pencil and cutting. Here we complement your education. We make sure your children get plenty of exercise, do gymnastics regularly and offer a forest day. A spacious outdoor area offers plenty of room for romping and playing.


Our facility has 3 group rooms with different play and quiet corners, which are individually adapted to the needs of the children and changed as needed. Each group room has a large window front with a garden door from which one can access the outdoor area. There is also a separate washroom in each room. We have a construction room and on the upper floor a reading/snooze room where the children have the opportunity to retreat, give free rein to their creativity or relax from the noisy daily routine.

In our gymnastics room, the children find a climbing frame, large building blocks and an equipment cart that inspire a variety of movement activities. In the basement is our large project room, where we like to work on the workbench or "special" projects take place. Our large hallway is also used as an additional activity space. In our kitchen, our kitchen fairy conjures up our delicious buffet every day. We also have a team room where parent meetings take place or where parents can spend time during the settling-in period. There is also an additional office room for the staff so that organizational matters can be dealt with in peace. The children like to use the large outdoor area, as there is plenty of room to move around and lots of opportunities to play. Adjacent to our outdoor area is a public playground, which is used as an extension as needed. In addition, the Haingrabenhalle is used by our preschoolers one day a week for an additional exercise session.

Movement room:

Our home offers various opportunities to move, explore and develop. This includes the movement room or also called "gym". This room is available to the children in the morning upon arrival and is supervised by one of our educators. In the course of the day, the children have the opportunity to use the exercise room in groups at any time, in addition to the other offers and activities of the house. Each group even has a day in which they may claim the right of use for themselves, so no child is disadvantaged.

 In addition, we offer various dance and music activities. The preschool children even go to the large, neighboring gymnasium on their "gym day" and learn school-oriented movement/motor skills games there.
These promote body coordination, gross motor skills, understanding of rules, team-oriented thinking, hand-eye coordination and perception. The building blocks for this are set in all the other movement and play opportunities before the children reach preschool age.

The movement room offers all age groups the chance to develop their motor skills. It includes a climbing frame to which wooden benches can be attached and used as additional climbing/sliding opportunities. In addition, we have a climbing wall on which the children can test themselves and learn to coordinate their entire bodies. In addition to the climbing opportunities, we have numerous balls in different sizes and weights, hula hoops and large foam blocks to let off steam creatively.

Outdoor Facilities

Playing in the fresh air and outdoors has a positive influence on the development and well-being of children. That is why we attach great importance to being outside at every opportunity, even when the sun is not shining, because children like to play outside in any weather and need different experiences to get sensory impressions.
In our garden you will also find all kinds of opportunities for play and exercise. These include two sandboxes with a variety of sand toys, a climbing frame with slide, a tree house, seating for children, parents and educators, a mountain slide and horizontal bars in two different heights. Adjacent to our garden is another playground, which we also use regularly. Here the children also have the opportunity to develop their motor skills and to be creative with sand or mud. When summer temperatures are high, we also like to move play, painting, puzzles and crafts outside early on. When it is actually summer, we offer various water games.
On Mondays, we have a "forest day" in which the children are allowed to participate. This day is part of our forest pedagogy and offers numerous, nature-related sensory impressions. In the forest, the children can become self-confident by expanding their motor skills and learning new knowledge about nature, social/life and movement.

Daily Schedule

7:00 - 9:00 Arrival and free play time.

9:00 - 9:20 Assembly, everyone meets in the gymnasium

9:20 - 10.00 Breakfast in the groups

10:00 - 11:00 am All rooms of the daycare and the outside area can be played in (free play time).

11:00 - 13:00 Group time and projects

13:00 Lunch, first children go home

14:00 - 15:30 Pick-up time and free play



Healthy Kita: So that the spirit can develop more easily!

There are three meals in our facility. From about 09:20, directly after the assembly, the children return to their groups and have breakfast together. There is plenty of choice of sandwiches and seasonal vegetables and fruit every morning. Every Wednesday there is cereal and occasionally scrambled eggs. There is something for everyone. It is important to us to maintain and implement a sugar-free morning every day. Fresh organic milk is offered daily for breakfast. Special dietary needs can be discussed with us. Breakfast is prepared fresh daily. The Kita charges a fee of 6€ per month for this service.

Our lunch is served between 13:00 and 13:45. The children of our institution can participate in the meal during the week. Currently, a maximum of 50 children in 3 groups eat a lunch menu. The children are not bound to their groups and can choose their lunch place as they wish. The well-balanced meal is freshly cooked and delivered by a caterer every day. The meals are cooked according to nutritional science. Thus, salad, fruit and vegetables, fish, soup are part of our lunch. After lunch, the children can rest or play.
The menu is located in the hallway area. Attendance at the lunch table is obligatory for all registered children, but there is no obligation to eat.
At 3:30 p.m., the children have a small afternoon snack. There is fresh fruit and delicious sesame sticks. The children can fortify themselves once again before they are picked up.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 06/04/2023 16:10:11)