Kita Regenbogen

Kinderkrippe: 24 (im Alter von 1 bis 3 Jahren) (2 Gruppen à 12 Kinder) Kindergarten: 75 (im Alter von 3 Jahren bis Schuleintritt)

Kita Regenbogen
Hauptstr. 27
61191 Rosbach v.d.Höhe
Funding authority
Stadt Rosbach v.d.Höhe
Homburger Str. 64
61191 Rosbach v.d.Höhe
06007 - 7212 (Frau Eisenbach / Herr Fuchs)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysKonzeptionstag 01.11.2024,
Winterferien 23.12. bis 01.01.2025 (ohne Notdienst)
Specially educational concept partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras Pets, care with lunch
Pets Kita-Hund: Cookie

Current information


"Roots and wings": The municipal daycare centerRegenbogen is located in the center of Rosbach-Rodheim. The building was constructed in the1950s and has proven itself since then - also under the growing need for care and increased pedagogical standards. Since 2007, the building has been completely converted into a daycare center. Since then, the daycare center has continued to develop."

In the Regenbogen daycare center, all children are assigned to a specific group. We work according to the situational approach, which means that the topics that are worked on with the children are based on the suggestions that come from the children themselves. This approach therefore allows your children a great deal of co-determination in the day-to-day life of the daycare center.

Our guiding principle is "Roots and Wings" and is based on a quote from Goethe ("Two things children should get from their parents: roots and wings"): Roots that provide support and security, and wings to explore the world. In this way, children are given the best conditions for gaining the experiences they need for optimal development. The original roots of the children are the family or the familiar caregivers. They provide security and support. Children gain wings through their first independent actions as well as through the first detachment process when they visit an institution like our daycare center.

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Room concept: The children love our labyrinth!

The children have fun "exploring" all the corners of our winding facility. The house consists of the following rooms: Red Group (U3), Green Group (U3), Blue Group (Ü3), Purple Group (Ü3) and Yellow Group (Ü3) on the upper floor.

All rooms are equipped with a wide range of materials. In each group there is a building, snoozle, role play, reading and craft corner. Each group has access to a bathroom and changing facilities. There is also the kitchen with cafeteria, the office and a workroom for adults and children. The sleeping room between the red and green groups is shared by both U3 groups.

In addition, our facility includes a spacious outdoor area with a "construction site" where the children are allowed to mud. A water feature, which is used in the summer, as well as two sandboxes, climbing facilities and an allotment to be cultivated round off our outdoor area. The gym of our facility is located around the corner in another building.

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Daily Schedule

From 7:00 Arrival of the children in the reception group.
From 8:00 am All group rooms open.

8:45 a.m. Morning circle
9:15 a.m. Breakfast
9:45 a.m. Free play time/projects    
11:30 a.m. Lunch     
12:00 - 14:30 Sleep time
From 13:00 parallel free play time
15:00 Snack for all children
until 16:00 free play

8:45 a.m. Morning circle
9:15 - 10:00 breakfast in cafeteria
8:00 - 11:30 Free play time/projects
11:30 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 Quiet hour
14:00 Wake up/Free play
15:00 Snack for all children
until 16:00 Free play


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 25/10/2024 10:15:49)