Kita Alte Schule

Kindergarten: 100 Plätze (im Alter von 3 Jahren bis Schuleintritt)

Kita Alte Schule
Junkergasse 5
61191 Rosbach v.d.Höhe
Funding authority
Stadt Rosbach v.d.Höhe
Homburger Str. 64
61191 Rosbach v.d.Höhe
06007 - 939656 (Frau Morassi / Frau Scholz)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysBetriebsausflug 23.5.25, Pädagogischer Tag 10.6.25, Desinfektionstag 25.7.25, Sommerferien 28.7-15.8.25, Jahreswechsel 24.12.-2.1.25
Specially educational concept nature education, partially open concept, Reggio Emilia approach, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information

Kita tour for interested parents on Friday 09.05.25 at 19.30 clock and on Friday 27.06.25 at 16.30 clock, after prior binding registration at the Kita.

Parents' evenings:

26.03.25 from 19.00 online parents' evening with Verkehrswacht

Summerparty on Friday 13.06.25 at 16 clock




The daycare center "Alte Schule" is located in the district of Rodheim in the old town center. Our house is a listed building, which used to be a school. Since August 2001, the building has been used as a kindergarten.

We have 4 large, thematically designed group rooms and a total of 4 additional rooms for individual support of the children and for small group work. In addition, two square annexes are attached to the old school building, which house the cafeteria for breakfast and lunch on the one hand and the gymnasium on the other. The link between the old building and the new rooms is a bright hallway with a glass roof and the new entrance door.

Since 2015, we have been caring for up to 100 children aged three to six in four mixed-age home groups in a partially open concept.

Outdoor Facilities

The Alte Schule daycare center has a large outdoor area with a variety of playground equipment (swings, climbing tower with slide), a waterway, a large sandbox and a mud and muddy corner.

Daily Schedule

7h Opening of the daycare center with an intergroup of children, with play opportunities in the gym and in the play hall of the daycare center.

8h Start in the fixed groups (Owl, Fox, Beaver and Squirrel groups) with free play.

8:45h - 10:15h Open breakfast buffet in the cafeteria and parallel play in the group rooms, as well as the start of additional activities.

11h - 13h Group phase with group circle, lunch, offers, walks and playground visits

13h- 14h Rest period in the groups or playing in the outdoor area

14h -15h Inter-group room activities - each child is allowed to choose the room in which to play.

15h -15:20h Snack in the cafeteria

15:20h - 17h Group play in the gym, in the garden or in one of the group rooms.

17h The day care center closes!


At the Kita Alte Schule, the children are offered a daily breakfast buffet in the cafeteria:

A breakfast buffet is offered in the cafeteria. We pay attention to a varied, balanced and healthy offer. Your child has the opportunity to decide individually when and how much he or she would like to eat within a time window of 1 1/2 hours. Every day, your child will find cheese and sausage sandwiches, raw vegetables, fruit, muesli and yogurt or similar. Quark dishes. Once a week there are egg dishes or waffles for breakfast as a highlight. In addition we serve water and tea.

Lunch is provided by the company Green Times and is also very varied and oriented to the DGE standards. Your child can also decide for himself/herself what and how much he/she would like to eat. For the main meal, dessert is served daily in the form of fruit, curd or milk dishes and pudding.

The afternoon snack for all children who are registered until 4:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. will again take place in the cafeteria. Each child may bring a lunch box with a small snack from home.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 18/03/2025 12:11:24)