Kinderhaus Bergstraße

Kinderkrippe: 48 (im Alter von 1 bis 3 Jahren) Kindergarten: 75 (im Alter von 3 Jahren bis Schuleintritt)

Kinderhaus Bergstraße
Bergstr. 8
61191 Rosbach v.d.Höhe
Funding authority
Stadt Rosbach v.d.Höhe
Homburger Str. 64
61191 Rosbach v.d.Höhe
06003 - 829518 (Frau Kühn / Frau Scheibel)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
early care7:00 AM - 8:00 AM o'clock
late care4:00 PM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysBetriebsausflug am 23.05.2025 (ohne Notdienst)
Desinfektionstag am 25.07.2025 (ohne Notdienst)
Sommerferien 28.07. bis 15.08.2025 (Notdienst, separate Anmeldung erforderlich)
Personalversammlung wurde noch nicht festgelegt (Kita schließt um 14:30 Uhr)
Winterferien 24.12. 2025 bis 02.01.2026 (ohne Notdienst)
Weiterhin gibt es noch einen Pädagogischen Tag sowie zwei Konzeptionstage (diese werden noch festgelegt und rechtzeitig kommuniziert)
Specially educational concept partially open concept
Extras Child care for physical education, care with lunch, full day care

Current information

For interested parents, an information exchange about the Kinderhaus will take place on Thursday, 13.03.2025 and Thursday, 12.06.2025 from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm. At the event, all participants will receive information about the pedagogical concept, the daily routine and the room concept. In addition, questions can be asked on this evening about the wide range of childcare on offer in the crèche and kindergarten areas. We look forward to a lively participation. Pre-registration is not necessary.


The Kinderhaus Bergstrasse was officially opened for the 2012/2013 kindergarten year.
An innovative three-group kindergarten was created from the former Ober Rosbach elementary school. The associated new building houses four crèche groups and a modern cafeteria.
The entire facility was certified as a "Hessian Movement Kindergarten" in the fall of 2015.

You are welcome to get an overview of the daycare center via our municipal YouTube channel:

YouTube - Kinderhaus Bergstraße

Daily Schedule


From 07:00 Arrival of the children

08:30 Morning circle

09:00 - 09:30 Breakfast time

09:30 - 11:30 Free play, excursions, occupational activities

11:30 - 15:00 Lunch/rest/sleep time

15:15 Afternoon snack

Until 17:00 Free play


07:00 - 09:00 Arrival of the children

08:00 - 10:00 Breakfast time

Until 11:00 am Free play, excursions, project work, activities, playground

11:00 - 12:00 Home group

12:00 - 13:30 Lunch time

14:00 - 15:00 Rest period

15:15 Afternoon snack

Until 17:00 Free play

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 08/01/2025 10:43:07)

Offered care types at Mar 11, 2025:

Kind of carecount places
48 Places
75 Places


Krippe (1-3 years):

The basis of our work is the "Hessian Education Plan". We work in a closed concept with the group pedagogical approach of the "nest group". This means that each group has its own group room and fixed reference teachers. In our facility there are four nursery groups, each of which can care for up to 12 children. Two groups form a tandem.

As a family-supplementary care facility, the educational partnership with the parents is particularly important to us. We would like to ease your child's separation from the familiar surroundings of the family with a gentle settling-in process. We are guided by the "Berlin Settling-In Model".

The relationship between the educators and the child is characterized by empathy, respect and appreciation. We regard early childhood education as a "social cooperation process", in which the diverse competencies of the child are strengthened and thus the personality development of the child is supported.

We attach particular importance to the quality of the space in which we work in the nursery. It is oriented towards the comprehensive needs of the one to three year olds and offers the following areas:

Eating and enjoying
Cuddling, resting and sleeping
Personal hygiene
Movement and perception
Creative design
Role play
Hiding places and retreats
Meeting and gathering places
Spaces for experiencing nature
The professional competence of the pedagogical staff is the prerequisite for responsible, situation-oriented work with "very young children". Accompanying further and advanced training is part of our professional self-image.

Kindergarten ( 3- 6 years):

The "Hessian Education and Development Plan" forms the basis of our work with the children. We regard early childhood education as a "social cooperation process", in which the diverse competencies of children are strengthened and thus the personality development of the child is supported.

In our "open care concept" we have well thought-out structural conditions, so that children and parents find a high degree of security, orientation and commitment. Up to 25 children are cared for in each of three groups. Each group has its own room, and thus also its own primary educator. We attach particular importance to the quality of the room. It is geared to the comprehensive needs of the three to six year old children. The room concept is based on the pedagogical approach "home groups with selected learning and experience areas".

We support the development of social skills:

Communication skills
Responsibility towards others
Conflict management
Sensitivity and respect for "being different
Ability to act democratically
In the preschool area, various projects and activities are offered in cooperation with the local elementary school.

The relationship of the educators to the child is characterized by empathy, respect and appreciation. Each child is perceived as a "unique personality".

The professional competence of the pedagogical staff is the prerequisite for responsible, situation-oriented work with kindergarten children. Accompanying further and advanced training is part of our professional self-image.

We welcome the children's parents. As a family-supplementing care facility, the educational partnership is especially important to us. We are a point of communication for "old and young" and enjoy working together with local associations and institutions.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 08/01/2025 10:43:07)

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