In our forest kindergarten, we have the seasons as our theme and daily routine even more intensively than in indoor facilities. As we are exposed to the weather conditions, we experience each season and the associated weather directly and have to adapt individually in our everyday kindergarten life.
In spring, we discover the reawakening of nature together. It's like a small miracle to experience how the soil suddenly smells of the forest again as it gets warmer and small seedlings grow out of it, and how many creepy-crawlies are on the move again after hiding away during the cold period. The first flowers can be admired. The forest changes its entire face when the leaves of the deciduous trees emerge in May. Now there is once again a protective canopy of leaves that provides shade, cools and also protects against heavy rain.
Summer is the time of year when we spend a lot of time in the forest. We can do very difficult things, paint, do handicrafts, create something from natural materials, research in peace, work, listen to stories, role-play... and much more.
Autumn is the time of abundance. Now there are plenty of forest fruits and fruit in the meadows. Together with the children, we harvest the good things that nature gives us. Of course, only what we know for sure and under supervision. The forest gives us herbs, berries, seeds and mushrooms. Apples, pears, plums, potatoes and pumpkins grow in the surrounding meadows and fields. We use our fireplace for cooking and processing. The fireplace is also the place that warms us when it's cold, for example when we arrive, until all the children have arrived and we set off into the forest.
In this way, the children regularly come into contact with all the elements in our daily routine. They have plenty of exercise and the opportunity to let off steam. You have to set far fewer boundaries and forbid things in nature than in confined spaces, where it can quickly become distracting if the children are loud and wild. Outdoors, boundaries often emerge of their own accord, for example when things get dangerous. Nature not only has a calming effect on us adults, but of course also on the children.
There are far fewer toys in the forest kindergarten than in a "home kindergarten". Instead, the children play with the things that nature provides: Sticks, stones, clay, leaves, moss, bark... A stick quickly becomes a chainsaw, a piece of bark serves as a plate on which the clay pizza is served, decorated with moss and herbs. There are no limits to the imagination. And above all, they play together. The children are constantly role-playing, which of course promotes social skills immensely. Being out and about together creates an enormous group feeling. You inevitably have to be considerate of each other and make sure that everyone keeps up. You wait for each other and help each other in difficult places. Once you have mastered a challenge together, such as hiking a long distance or surviving a cold day, this creates a strong bond. The children experience themselves as part of a group that they constantly rub up against, but which, on the whole, reliably supports them.