The Schulstraße childcare center is a three-group facility (30 places) with extended opening hours and all-day care for children aged between 11 months and 3 years (U3).
Childcare models:
- Model 1: Monday - Friday 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Model 2: Monday - Friday 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- Model 3 (all-day care): Monday - Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- Model 4 (3 days all-day care): Care from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on 3 fixed days (Fri. until 2 p.m.)
For models 3 and 4, free pick-up time from 2 p.m. or after the afternoon nap
Participation in lunch is compulsory for all children
Special features:
We organize the daily routine in our toddler care in a situation- and needs-oriented manner. We want to offer the children a variety of opportunities for independent exploration and learning. The children can stay in their home group or make use of various cross-group play opportunities. At the same time, consistent rituals provide structure and orientation in the daily routine.
Settling in is very important to us, as a good relationship with the new caregivers and the children's group ensures a successful start to external care. A trusting cooperation with the parents/guardians is very important to us during the entire daycare period.
We acclimatize the children to the Tübingen acclimatization model - the “peer acclimatization”. This model gives the children the opportunity to start in a group of 3-4 children of the same age in the daycare center and thus to use the peer group as a resource for a successful transition in addition to the relationship with the pedagogical staff. To ensure that the peer group can start at the daycare center in a calm and relaxed atmosphere, we acclimate the children in the afternoon.
If no peer group can be formed or if space constraints prevent the establishment of a peer group, the children will be acclimated individually according to the Berlin model.
Gross motor skills are a major area of development for children under the age of three. We therefore attach great importance to stimulating movement in everyday life. In almost any weather, we can be found exploring the fields in the surrounding area, the playgrounds or our garden. In bad weather or in between, we have our exercise room at our disposal.
Language acquisition is also a major developmental task for young children. We support the children in this task by accompanying our activities with language. We take a lot of time for reading aloud, singing songs and planning finger plays/crawling verses. An additional specialist supports us three days a week.