Kinderhaus Remshalden

U3 Bereich: 11Monate - 3 Jahre/ Ü3 Bereich: 3 Jahre - Schuleintritt

Kinderhaus Remshalden
Fronäckerstraße 17
73630 Remshalden
Funding authority
Gemeinde Remshalden
Marktplatz 1
73630 Remshalden
0715197312200 (Frau Eva Speidel)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days26 Schließtage
Extras care with lunch, full day care
Pets Achatschnecken Zwergkaninchen

Current information


The Remshalden Children's House is a 7-group facility. Up to 95 children can be cared for in four kindergarten groups and up to 30 children in three toddler groups. The opening hours of the facility are from 7.00 am to 5.00 pm. The elementary section of the Kinderhaus is based on a partially open concept with functional rooms and regular groups.



PLAY together
Discover the world
Have fun
Singing and dancing
Welcome to the: “KINDERHAUS”


The Kinderhaus building is divided into two complexes connected by a staircase (and elevator). This houses the Ü3 and U3 areas respectively.

Both areas have their own access and entrance area for the children and parents.

There are 4 room complexes in the Ü3 area. These include a larger room and a smaller adjoining room and a gallery accessible via a staircase.

The rooms are designed so that they can be used as functional rooms during open free play time and as group rooms during internal time.

The following functional areas are currently offered:

Table games, role play, building and construction, doll's corner, crafts, senses.

There is a reading corner and a painting table in each room.

A separate open movement area is also available.

There are also various eating areas, a sleeping room and a break room, baby changing room, sanitary facilities, kitchen and multi-purpose room.

In the U3 area, each group has a group room, which is clearly laid out with small functional corners, with an adjacent bedroom.

They are connected by a corridor.

The corridor is also used as a play/movement/dining area.

There are changing areas and toilets in the two sanitary rooms.

Each group also has access to the terrace through the group room, which can be used as an additional play area.


Outdoor Facilities

The Kinderhaus has a spacious garden area that runs alongside the building.

It is divided into two areas and is also geared towards the respective age groups U3 and Ü3.

The garden is equipped with various play equipment such as a climbing frame, slide, various swings, trampoline, balancing beams and a play area. Swings, trampoline, balance beam, fountain, playhouse and sandpit.

There is also a varied terrain with meadows, hills, slopes, stone walls, wood chippings, gravel, etc.

There is a paved courtyard (Ü3) and paths (U3) for driving vehicles.

In the Ü3 area, the group terraces can be included as play areas.

The garden is shaded by trees, bushes and large awnings and sunshades.

Various play materials, such as sand toys, vehicles, balls, horse leads and chalk, are stored in two tool sheds and are available to the children during garden playtime.

A small bed is available for planting with the children: Herbs, currants, tomatoes, flowers, pumpkins etc.

The rabbit hutch with free run is located in a separate area.


Daily Schedule

Daily routine Ü3

7.00 a.m. Arrival/ free play in 2 group rooms/ information desk

8.00 a.m. Flash/ all rooms are open/ free play with open activities/ information desk

9.00 a.m. Last drop-off time/ Free play with open activities

9.30 a.m. Chime / tidying up in the functional rooms / meeting in the home groups / morning circle

10.00 a.m. Snack in the home groups

10.30 a.m. Home group time: activities/ projects

11.00 a.m. Home group time: activities/ projects

11.30 a.m. Garden break

12.00 p.m. Lunch (all-day area)

12.30 p.m. Lunch (VÖ+)

1.00 p.m. Pick-up time (VÖ) / sleep/rest (all-day area/VÖ+)

2.00 p.m. Pick-up time (VÖ+)

14.30 Free play/ preparation of snack/ wake up children

3.00 p.m. Tidying up/ children's circle (song, finger play)

3.30 pm Afternoon snack

16.00 Garden break/ movement area

17.00 Pick up


Daily routine U3

7.00 - 8.45 a.m. Arrival, from 7.00 - 8.00 a.m. the children from all groups stay together in one group room,

Free play time (from 8.00 a.m. also partially open = visits to the other groups are possible by arrangement, hallway is also played in...)

8.45 a.m. snack together (each group at their dining table in the hallway, transition signal/song sung by each group internally)

from approx. 9.30 a.m. nappy-changing time, as well as time for individual activities and free play, followed by morning circle (within the group)

11.00 a.m. Movement time: go into the garden, for a walk or to the movement area (together, in consultation with the other groups)

11.45 a.m. Lunch (together, at the group dining tables in the hallway)

From approx. 12.30 p.m. bedtime Children who are not asleep are in free play

13.00/ 14.00 Pick up of the VÖ and VÖ+ children

until 15.00 Free play time (together in one room)

3.00 - 5.00 p.m. Afternoon snack, followed by more time for a visit to the garden or free play until closing time at 5.00 p.m.


  • Breakfast

Fixed breakfast time for all children in the respective Ü3 core groups is at approx. 10.00 a.m., in the U3 area at approx. 8.45 a.m. Each child brings a small snack from home in a sealed container. We attach great importance to a varied, balanced breakfast.

  • Healthy breakfast

Once a month, a healthy breakfast is prepared for the respective home group together with the children in the Ü3 area and in cooperation with parents.

  • Lunch

A warm lunch is available at the Kinderhaus. This depends on the respective childcare hours:

  • VÖ/ no lunch
  • VÖ+/ lunch can be booked as an option.
  • GT/ the purchase of lunch is obligatory
  • U3 area/ lunch is compulsory for all children

A monthly flat rate is charged for lunch.
The children's house is supplied with food by Diakonie Stetten. This is the Cook & Chill method. The food is prepared in a central kitchen, cooled and delivered to the facility in this state every day. At the facility, the food only needs to be heated in a convection oven and served. The weekly menu can be viewed in the Kikom app.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 19/12/2024 09:36:44)