Daily Schedule
A successful start: You bring your child to the kindergarten between 7.00 am and 8.30 am.
Free play
- play with friends or alone
- paint, glue, cut ...
- build, try things out ...
- dress up
- arguing and making up
- looking at picture books
- listening to music
- cuddling
- tidying up
- a variety of free play activities
Breakfast together
Before we have snack together, we say grace and then eat together. The teachers often read a story during this time.
You give your child breakfast and a drink to take to kindergarten. We attach great importance to healthy food and drink.
Morning circle / offer
- Listening and telling stories
- singing
- stories
- circle games
- finger games
- Christian themes
Offer suitable for the season or the current theme
Play and movement: Garden
In our spacious garden area, the children can enjoy a wide range of exercise and play activities. There is a climbing frame, a balance beam, a nest swing, a slide, lots of trees and bushes, a large meadow and asphalted areas. The children can also use a variety of play materials, a children's kitchen and vehicles in their play.
End of the kindergarten day
You can collect your child from the kindergarten at these times:
- 12.30 p.m.
- 1.00 p.m.
- between 13.00 and 14.00, if you have opted for the appropriate care time (see below: Care times).
Children who stay at the kindergarten longer than 1.00 p.m. eat another meal.