Once a week, the children are offered a wide range of exercise activities in the Jahnhalle.
“Out of the house”:
Every Tuesday we are out of the house, usually in nature or on excursions. Depending on the weather and activity, we also eat on the go.
“Tasty treat day”:
Once a month, we have a “Lecker-Schmecker” muesli in the kindergarten to give the children experience in home economics and to have fun eating together.
We take part in the EU school program and regularly receive fruit and vegetables from a regional supplier. We integrate this into our everyday meals and offer the children a colorful plate of it every day free of charge.
Time for SchuWiDus (Becoming a schoolchild):
Once a week, there is an age-specific activity for the pre-school children.
Small groups:
In addition, there are regular activities in (age-specific) small groups during free play time.
Language support:
Language support takes place both integrated into everyday life and in small groups.
Reading time:
At least once a week, we conduct a targeted picture book viewing. The children can decide for themselves whether they want to take part.