Kindergarten 6-7jährige

6-7 Jahre, sowie Korridorkinder

Kindergarten 6-7jährige
Lehenstraße 19
73630 Remshalden
Funding authority
Gemeinde Remshalden
Marktplatz 1
73630 Remshalden
0715197312330 (Frau Katja Schweikhardt)
Opening times7:45 AM - 12:15 PM o'clock
Closing days39
Foreign languages English
Specially educational concept child oriented education, livebased approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, language education

Current information


The kindergarten for 6-7 year old children is a one-group facility with a maximum of 15 places.

We work according to the concept of a pre-school class with the aim of introducing the children to primary school readiness. This is achieved through targeted support for children of the same age in a small group.

We always like to remind ourselves of the following quote:

Time flies

Give me time

Give me time to come to me,

even if the others have long since arrived.

Give me time to find an answer,

even if the others already know.

Give me time to understand,

even if the others have long since understood everything.

Give me time to be slow, even if the others have long since reached their destination.

Peter Schiestl


Our premises consist of a large group room, a cloakroom area with an adjoining doll's corner and a small room for individual and language development. 
During school hours, we can use the school sports hall once a week. We also have access to the two school playgrounds and the primary school sports field. 

Outdoor Facilities

We are housed in the Grunbach elementary school building and use the school playground and sports field.

Daily Schedule

Our work is divided into regularly recurring daily, weekly and annual routines. This is important to us in order to give the children a good overview and orientation. It should help them to become involved in the essential and extensive areas and content of support.

Daily routine:

7.40 - 8.30 a.m.    

Free arrival
The children can use this time for free play, painting or handicrafts.                                   

9.15 a.m.               

Morning circle

 Start: Welcome song
 Good morning ritual (saying of the day, calendar ...) 
 Games for memorization, easy math problems, shapes, syllable clapping, rhyming words, etc.
After the morning circle, we eat breakfast together and then go to the school playground.   

This is followed by an educational activity, which can be a worksheet on a specific topic or a craft activity/learning game.

After the educational activity, there is the opportunity for free play or activities in small groups.

12.10 p.m.             

We end the morning with a final song.

Weekly activities:

Twice a week, language support is provided by a specialist for children with language support needs.
Our crunchy and snack day takes place once a week. The children help to prepare and set the table. There is crispbread, butter, cheese, cream cheese, fruit and vegetables.
Once a week, our PE lessons take place in the school gym.


At our facility, we eat together after the morning circle. The children bring a healthy breakfast from home. Still and sparkling water is provided by us. 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 12/12/2024 12:45:29)