Our daycare center was inaugurated in 1954 as the first company daycare of the Sachsenwerk (later Robotron) in Saxony, shortly after the war. The design of the buildings and outdoor areas has always been, and continues to be, focused on the needs of the children from the very beginning.
In 1995, the German Red Cross took over the sponsorship of our beautiful facility and is always committed to continuing and expanding the old traditions.
Our daycare center is located in the southern suburbs of Radeberg, near the Dresdner Heide, on the edge of a residential area. Close by are an elementary school, a special needs school, a garden area, and several small businesses.
The daycare consists of three single-story buildings. The spacious outdoor area includes several playgrounds for all age groups. Additionally, in buildings 1 and 2, there is a separate kitchen area. Our food provider is the cafeteria "Zum Pauker." Freshly cooked meals and the consideration of individual allergies of the children are the strengths of the "Pauker-Team."
Our facility offers both nursery and kindergarten places. Children from different nations are cared for by 24 educational staff members and 1 male educational staff member.
The director is responsible for ensuring the smooth daily routine and the organizational matters of the facility. The intake interview and the care contract are handled by the daycare director.
We provide each child with their own settling-in phase. It is carried out gradually, individually, and tailored to each child in line with the Berlin Model.
The educators usually accompany the children in age-homogeneous groups from the settling-in phase until they enter school.