Kindertagesstätte Bunte Arche

In der Krippe betreuen wir Kinder ab der 9. Lebenswoche bis zum vollendeten 3. Lebensjahr. Den Kindergarten besuchen Kinder ab 3 Jahre bis zum Schuleintritt.

Kindertagesstätte Bunte Arche
Theodor-Heuss-Straße 20
85640 Putzbrunn
Funding authority
Katholische Jugendfürsorge der Erzdiöze München und Freising e.V.
Adlzreiterstraße 22
80337 München
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysGrundsätzlich sind 3 Wochen im August geschlossen, sowie 2 Wochen in den Weihnachtsferien und eine Wochen Pfingsten, hinzu kommen vereinzelte Schließtage, z.B. Fenstertage, Seminare etc. und eingeschränkte Betreuungszeiten in den anderen Ferien nach vorheriger Abfrage.
Foreign languages German, English, Spanish, Italian
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept livebased approach, partially open concept, Reggio Emilia approach
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, Pets, care with lunch, cooperation facility, flexible care, full day care
Pets Hundehaltung im Büro:)

Current information

The time has come. We have moved to our new, beautiful and large building at the end of Theodor-Heuss-Straße. 

With the move, we also have a new name: KITA SALBERGHAUS has now become BUNTE ARCHE. 

The new spatial conditions allow us to work together on one level. The new building will also house the Salberghaus inpatient kindergarten. Cooperation is planned in the medium term and will enable a completely new, unique conceptual life.



BUNTE ARCHE - grow up well with animals!

“Welcome to our house: polar bear, zebra, bee, giraffe and mouse.”

The Bunte Arche is a community facility run by the Katholische Jugendfürsorge München und Freising e.V. (Catholic Youth Welfare Munich and Freising).

In a total of 3 groups, we have space for 49 children aged 9 weeks to school age in one kindergarten and two crèche groups. As the number of children and the size of the groups at our facility can be described as family-like, we are able to offer very individual care.

Our KiTa is located slightly away from the center of Putzbrunn, in the forest colony in idyllic surroundings.

In our close-to-life and family-oriented daycare center, we live a partially open concept with a reggio-oriented approach, which gives the children freedom and space for their individual development. 

Our location near the forest allows the children to experience nature and to fulfill their urge to move.

We are also characterized by the continuous development of our concept and our attitude towards diversity. We live this with our international team and the care of children from different countries of origin. We embrace cultural diversity, which helps to promote understanding and acceptance of differences.

Our close cooperation and the trust of parents, which are created through a high level of transparency in our daily work and a shared culture of celebrations and festivities, are just as important to us.


The eye-catcher is our large piazza, which welcomes all guests in a bright and inviting way. The children “check in” at the counter in the morning. The parents' corner also serves as a reading corner for the children and there is a fantastic view of the large garden. In the piazza, there is a large construction site and a role-play area where all the children can play together. 

Age-appropriate group rooms are available for the children. There is also a relaxation room, a studio and a doll's kitchen in the canteen.

There are plenty of opportunities to retreat and play everywhere, which are constantly being changed according to the children's interests.

The Salberghaus gymnasium is also regularly used for longer exercise sessions.



Outdoor Facilities

In our garden, we offer the children plenty of space for a variety of activities to discover, explore and move around. The large climbing frame with slide, the watercourse and the large sandpit are particularly fun.

Other adventure areas in the outdoor area:

Barefoot path
Mud kitchen
Climbing trees
Willow fences to hide behind
Paved paths for driving vehicles
Building blocks for creative building


Daily Schedule

The drop-off time starts at 07.30 am. All families are welcomed by a colleague at the counter in the morning. The children “check in” with their magnets. Then they go to their group rooms or play in the piazza. They are welcome to wave goodbye at the “wave window”.

The crèche children have breakfast at 8.30 am and the kindergarten children at 9.15 am. 

This is followed by the morning circle in each group. Various activities are offered here, such as discussion groups, singing and circle games, children's conferences or dealing with current topics.

Between 9.45 a.m. and 11.30 a.m., various educational activities are offered. Free play, forest days, gymnastics, creative design, educational units, project work, work with the portfolio, pre-school lessons and much more take place here. The crèche children are also changed and have time to learn about cleanliness.  The rooms are open to all children and there is an open meeting in the house.

From 11.30 a.m. it is lunch time in the crèche. All children are served a warm lunch.

Afterwards, the crèche children sleep from 12.00 to 14.00.

In the kindergarten, lunch is not served until 12.30 pm. Afterwards, they go into the garden as often as possible or have free play time.

The pick-up times depend on the booking times.

From 2.30 p.m. there is another opportunity to have a snack.

From 15.00 s


We attach importance to healthy and balanced nutrition. The kindergarten children bring their own snacks from home. A varied mixture of fruit, vegetables, bread, sausage, cheese, etc. is important to us.

We are happy to do without ready-bought children's products, such as fruit in squeeze bags, milk slices, fruit gnocchi, etc.

A fruit basket is available to the children for the afternoon, which is regularly filled by the parents.

Once a month, a healthy breakfast takes place in our kindergarten.  In cooperation with the parents, who are responsible for the purchase, preparation and supervision, this is a nice and special event for the children. The children can freely choose from a rich offer in a nice atmosphere.

For the daycare children, we prepare the snack ourselves and also pay attention here to balanced and varied meals.

We obtain our lunch from the in-house kitchen. The food is freshly prepared there every day. As a rule, the meal consists of a main meal, a salad and or occasionally a dessert in the form of fruit or yogurt.

As beverages, the children are provided with water or tea and occasionally juice spritzers or Kaba.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 18/07/2024 10:18:41)