Haus der kleinen Strolche

8 Wochen - 3 Jahren

Haus der kleinen Strolche
Hermann-Oberth-Straße 18
85640 Putzbrunn
Funding authority
Arbeiterwohlfahrt Kreisverband München Land e.V.
Balanstraße 55
81541 München
Opening times8:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysUnsere Einrichtung ist an bis zu 30 Tagen im Kitajahr geschlossen.
Die aktuellen Schließzeiten entnehmen sie bitte der Homepage.
Foreign languages German
Extras care with lunch, full day care
Pets nein

Current information


"Children should play more than many do these days.
Because if you play enough, as long as you are little
you carry treasures around with you,
from which you can draw throughout your life.
Then you know what it means to have a warm world inside you,
that gives you strength when life gets hard."

Astrid Lindgren


The AWO Kinderkrippe "Haus der kleinen Strolche" provides enough time to play for up to 48 children aged 0-3 every day. By attending a crèche, children learn to take their first steps without parents and to build relationships outside the family for the first time. Day nurseries are family-supplementing and supportive institutions that assist parents in the upbringing, education and care of their children and usually care for children up to the age of three. The mission of the crèche is to provide children with educational opportunities appropriate to their age, to develop their personality as well as their social behavior.

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The "Haus der kleinen Strolche" has four generously sized group rooms with many windows distributed over two floors. These are designed in such a way that they can be arranged in a variety of ways and flexibly. In this way, the rooms can always be adapted to the changing needs and interests of the children. On each floor there is a large corridor area in front of the group rooms where the children's checkrooms are located. On each floor there is also a bathroom, which is shared by two groups, and a kitchen. Connected to all group rooms is a sleeping and resting room. Both the sleeping and resting room as well as the bathroom are integrated into various everyday situations and thus provide the children with opportunities for new discoveries and learning experiences in addition to the group room. The two large corridor areas of the facility as well as the gymnasium in the basement are used by the children with great pleasure to satisfy their urge to move, which is correspondingly high for their age.

The play and learning materials available to the children, which vary in the groups, take into account all educational areas of the BayKiBiG and are exchanged according to the children's current interest. The play and learning materials, which can be used in different ways, are placed at the children's eye level and are freely accessible to them at all times. The premises of the house are completed with the management office on the second floor and the generously designed staff and parent area in the basement.

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Outdoor Facilities

Outdoor area:

Each group has direct access to the facility's natural outdoor area. This can be used in all weather conditions and offers sufficient space for joint activities in larger and smaller groups as well as for very different individual experiences. In the garden, there is a large, completely shaded sandbox, which provides the children with sufficient space for playing, building and experimenting with sand. In addition, there is a climbing frame, a plateau with a slide, a seesaw and a nest swing, which encourage the children to make a variety of movements and thus support their motor development. The terrace area invites the children to try out different vehicles. The picnic sets placed in the outdoor area also allow the groups to take the various meals in the garden.


Daily Schedule

Daily routine

Our clearly structured daily routine is based on the length of the children's daily opening hours and attendance times and offers them a safe framework in which they can develop freely. The daily routine at Haus der kleinen Strolche contains fixed and flexible daily elements that are geared to the needs and rhythm of the children. Times for playing and learning together and individually as well as action and rest times alternate. Recurring daily points and rituals structure the schedule and provide orientation and security, which is of enormous importance to young children. At the same time, recurring daily points and rituals make it easier for the children to keep track of their day at the nursery and also strengthen their sense of belonging.

8.00 - 8.45 a.m.: Arrival in the groups

8.45 - 9.00 a.m.: Morning circle in the groups

9.00 - 9.30 a.m.: breakfast together

9.30 - 11.15 a.m.: This period is used differently each day for:

- Free play, guided play and play across groups

- Garden and walks

- Targeted educational units in various educational areas

- Play and movement in the gym

11.15 - 11.30 a.m.: cleaning up and preparing for lunch

11.30 - 12.15:Lunch together in the groups

12.15 - 14.00:Bedtime for the younger children/rest break, depending on the needs of the children.

14.00 - 14.15:Wake up, dressing and pick up time

14.15 - 14.45:Afternoon snack in the groups

14.45 - 15.00:Play and pick up time in all groups

15.00 - 16.00:Group playtime in one of the groups or in the garden; continuous pick-up time.

16.00:Facility closes (Mon-Thu)

15.00:Facility closes (Fri)

Diapering and/or toileting as needed throughout the day.


In addition to numerous activities in the daily routine, birthday celebrations of the children as well as other festivities of the annual cycle, such as Carnival or summer festivities, take place during the course of the year.


Eating and drinking:

Meals (breakfast, lunch, snack) in our nursery are taken in a relaxed, communicative and familiar atmosphere and not only fulfill a physiological need, but are opportunities for children to experience community and social cohesion. The common meals are fixed points of orientation in the daily routine, which are always accompanied by the pedagogues. For this reason, we give them a generous amount of time, since pedagogically valuable meals contribute significantly to the physical and emotional well-being of the children.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 11/05/2023 11:44:55)