Evang. Naturkindergarten Löwenzahn

3 Jahre bis zum Schuleintritt - windelfrei muss Ihr Kind sein Um allen interessierten Familien die Gelegenheit zu geben, die Evangelischen Kindertageseinrichtungen anzuschauen, Fragen zur pädagogischen Ausrichtung, dem Tagesablauf und allen diesbezüglichen Themen stellen zu können, bieten wir auch in diesem Jahr für jeder interessierten Familie ein Besuchstermin an. Bitte rufen Sie im Naturkindergarten Löwenzahn unter der Nummer: 0177 1659648 oder unter kita.puchheim.loewenzahn@elkb.de.

Evang. Naturkindergarten Löwenzahn
Sprengerinstr. 0
82178 Puchheim
Funding authority
Evang.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde
Allinger Str. 24
82178 Puchheim
01771659648 (Janine Wolf)
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysWir haben die Weihnachtsferien und 3 Wochen im August geschlossen.
Foreign languages German, English, Swiss German
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, livebased approach, nature education, Situation approach, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras Child care with special focus on environmental education, care with lunch



Children today grow up in a rapidly changing environment. Spaces in which children can act independently and actively, in which they can play, are becoming increasingly rare. On the one hand, richly equipped and provided with material things and technical possibilities, on the other hand, children increasingly lack the opportunity to try out and show their own abilities, to feel themselves and to process their experiences, impressions and perceptions appropriately. This gives us the goal of creating and preserving space for each child for their individual development. A space in a double sense: a free space in that we have the opportunity to be outside in nature and in that we take the feelings and thoughts of children seriously. Clear rules and boundaries, as well as a constant and pronounced attention of the educators in the work with the children give the free space a secure framework. An indispensable framework that gives the children the security they need to be able to act on their own initiative and that enables them to work together in a group. The aim of our work with children is to support and promote the development of every child in the area of ​​technical competence, social competence and self-competence. Every child is picked up from where they are in their individual development. Self-confidence in one's own actions and feelings is strengthened, one's own limits are recognized and strengths are promoted. The methodology is based on the age of the children being looked after, and the focus is on the playful and holistic teaching of content, values ​​and skills.



The trailer covers approx. 30 square meters with a terrace. Every child has their own locker. The car is equipped with tables and seating. There is also a bio toilet, kitchenette and a gas stove for heating. The car is equipped with games, puzzles and books. The children will find handicraft material for creative activity in the cupboards and shelves. We have created a place for our little ones where they can rest and sleep.


Outdoor Facilities

The outdoor area belongs to the city of Puchheim and is approx. 21,000 m² in size. This is an area with open tree structures and bushes, several clearings and safe vegetation. As part of the “Edible City” project, children tended a sunny field and eaten the vegetables and fruit they had harvested.


Daily Schedule

Our day begins:

  • The nature kindergarten opens at 7.30 a.m. - meeting point at Haus Elisabeth car park - shared footpath to the site trailer
  • All children should be there by 8.30 a.m. - the core pedagogical time begins
  • The welcome circle begins at 9 a.m. - daily activities are planned with the children
  • 9.30 a.m. the children march to the planned location - joint snack on site
  • 12.00 noon return to the trailer
  • 12.30 p.m. lunch begins
  • 12.45 p.m. - 1.00 p.m. 1st pick-up time without lunch
  • 13.00 o'clock if you are tired you can rest or sleep - for the others there is free play time 1.45 p.m. 
  • 2.00 p.m. 2nd pick-up time 2 p.m. slow waking of the sleeping children 2.15 p.m. -
  • Time to deepen what you have experienced and learned from the morning - through handicrafts, discussion groups, games, pre-school time
  • 3.15 p.m. 3rd pick-up time The facility closes at 3:30 p.m.



In the morning the children have a snack together. You bring these with you from home. You must also bring a large drinking bottle. In order to promote the children's eating habits, it is important that the child brings a balanced, varied and healthy breakfast as well as an afternoon snack. Once a week, the children and team plan, prepare and eat snacks together. We get the baked goods from the Allinger Brotscherzl.

In addition to eating, it is also important to us that the children continue to develop their independence. They take turns setting the tables at lunch, they scoop themselves up and decide how much and what to put on their plate. For the children who are looked after in our facility over lunch, we offer a balanced lunch, which a catering service from the local area prepares for us. When choosing the menu, we naturally pay attention to allergies and intolerances as well as religious and cultural aspects in the upbringing of our children.

Lunch delivered to the trailer from an external provider from the area.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 27/03/2025 09:33:39)