Evang. Kindergarten Regenbogen

Die Betreuungsplätze sind für Kinder ab 3 Jahre bis zum Schuleintritt. Sind noch freie Kapazitäten nehmen wir auch Kinder im Alter von 2,6 Jahren auf.

Evang. Kindergarten Regenbogen
Birkenstr. 9
82178 Puchheim
Funding authority
Evang.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde
Allinger Str. 24
82178 Puchheim
089/8901640 (Edyta Kleemann)
Opening times7:15 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysJedes Jahr die Zeit der Weihnachtsferien und 3 Wochen im August/September.

Wir haben eine Kooperationsbetreuung im Sommer für berufstätige Eltern mit dem Evang. Kindergarten Arche Noah
Foreign languages German, English, Polish, Russian
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept child oriented education, inclusion, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch

Current information


The Evang. Kindergarten Regenbogen works according to the concept of a partially open kindergarten. This is shaped by the image of the child as an actor and self-designer of its development.

  • Every child is unique.
  • Every child has an inner drive to grow.
  • Every child has their own way of understanding and learning.

The team sees itself as a companion to the development of the child. Impulses, offers and a challenging environment in the day-care center are oriented towards the development and the questions of the children.

The main topics of the institution are:

  • Including education
  • Children's world is a world of movement
  • The nature and - forest education

We offer freedom and decision-making possibilities and thus promote the childish quest for independence. We encourage children to follow their own needs and take more and more responsibility for their own learning and satisfaction.

On our homepage - www.regenbogen-puchheim.de - you will learn everything about the design of the facility. Just make sure you stop by. We look forward to welcoming you.


There is material in each room, e.g. for puzzles, stick games, play dough, painting and handicraft tables. A gallery in the room invites you to hide. Furthermore, there are various play areas in the group room, which serve as a retreat for the children. In the hallway you will find a large construction corner, the most diverse material and offers a table for painting. In the adjoining rooms we have created different workshops: a studio, fairytale forest, upholstery room, library .......

Outdoor Facilities

The large garden offers plenty of space for all children. Old trees, a climbing frame, a slide, and a swing and three small wooden playhouses, the Knight's Castle, offer the children the chance to romp, try out, gymnastics, climbing and games.

Daily Schedule

7.00 clock opens the kindergarten - the early morning service takes place alternately in all group rooms
7.30 am Snack is served
8.00 am the other group rooms open
8.45 am closes the door, the educational core time begins
9:00 am the morning circle begins
approx.                                                                                                                                                                            9.20 am free play time
• The core groups open
• The game rooms are being expanded
• project-oriented time
11.15 am the house is cleaned up - now all the children go into the garden
12.30 pm the lunch starts.
12.45 pm the pick up time starts without lunch
13.00 pm the house opens and all rooms and garden are available for play about                                                          15:15 pm we go out                                                                                                                                                         16:45 pm the house and the garden is cleaned up again
16.30 pm the day is finished - the kindergarten closes


In the gospel. Kindergarten Rainbow meals are taken such as breakfast, lunch and afternoon bread. In order to promote the nutritional habits of the children, it is important that the child receives a balanced, varied and healthy breakfast and afternoon bread.

In addition to eating, it is also important to us that the children develop their independence. They cover the tables in turns, they draw on themselves and decide how much and what comes to their plate.
For the children who are cared for in our facility at lunchtime, we offer a balanced lunch prepared for us by a catering service from the surrounding area. When choosing the menu, we naturally pay attention to allergies and intolerances as well as to religious and cultural aspects in the education of our children.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 15/01/2024 12:15:23)