Evang. Kindergarten Arche Noah

2 Jahre und 6 Monate bis zum Schuleintritt

Evang. Kindergarten Arche Noah
Allinger Str. 24
82178 Puchheim
Funding authority
Evang.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde
Allinger Str. 24
82178 Puchheim
089/800658920 (Tatjana Gligorovski)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days2 Wochen in der Weihnachtszeit und 3 Wochen im August -
Es besteht eine Kooperation mit dem Evang. Kindergarten Regenbogen, der die Kinder berufstätiger Eltern in einer Schließwoche im August betreut.
Foreign languages Hungarian, Polish, Serbian
Specially educational concept inclusion, intercultural education, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information


In childhood, education and upbringing go hand in hand. Small children can only actively learn and develop positively in an environment in which they feel safe and secure and are given sufficient opportunities to move around every day. The emotional atmosphere and the bond with the caregiver are crucial for the children's development.

Children are highly motivated, creative, concentrated and persevering in one thing when they solve tasks that allow many possible solutions and when they are allowed to make mistakes.

Our pedagogical work is mainly based on the situation-oriented approach. The main objectives are: to promote autonomy, solidarity and skills. During the free play time and with specific offers, the children learn to assess their strengths and skills and develop them further. The role of the educator takes on an observing or supporting role. Through the observations of the educators, children can be strengthened in further educational activities and individually supported.

Examples: Children's conference, free play offers / corners, sponsorships or cross-group work ... Project work Project work according to the situation-oriented approach is the planning and processing of a real-life topic for the children that is known to all participants or that was jointly designed and based on a towards a common goal. The children learn in contexts and can understand activities and place them in their world of experience. The starting point for a project idea is orientation towards the life and experience situation, interests, needs and current wishes of the children. The kindergarten teacher can also make project proposals if the relevant observations are incorporated. A project always includes several activities with one focus.



Each of the three groups has a main group room, which is adjoined by a small adjoining room that offers the children a place to retreat. Every room is different and equipped with different play areas so that all children can develop numerous ideas for games. Our entrance hall is also set up in such a way that there are many design options.



Outdoor Facilities

Do you remember where you loved to play as a child? Mostly it didn't take much: water to build dams; Trees and rocks for climbing; Shrubs in which to submerge; Meadows in which you could let yourself fall ... The memory of it is a great treasure that we carry within us throughout our lives. Why actually? Because there we found the freedom to be able to develop our game independently and imaginatively, beyond the preconceived ideas and rules of adults.


Daily Schedule


  • The kindergarten opens at 7:00 a.m. and the early shift takes place in all group rooms.
  • The other groups are opened at 7:30 a.m.
  • and 8:00 a.m. The first part of the sliding snack takes place from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
  • The entrance door is closed at 8.45 a.m.
  • The groups are closed from 9.00 a.m. to 9.45 a.m., group-internal activities take place such as morning circles or prayer.
  • The free play time begins at 9.45 a.m., until 10.30 a.m. you can have a snack.
  • All groups are open. 11.15 a.m. garden time
  • 12.30 p.m. Lunch followed by a rest.
  • 12.45 p.m. the entrance door is opened to pick up the children.
  • 1.30 p.m. all groups are open, the free play time begins.
  • Our kindergarten closes at 5 p.m.


In the Protestant Kindergarten Noah's Ark there is a sliding snack in the morning, a warm lunch and an afternoon snack. We take care of the selection of drinks. Lunch will be delivered by a local caterer. The meals are always balanced and prepared taking into account allergies, intolerances, religious beliefs and cultural backgrounds. Our pedagogical approach is to educate children to be independent and autonomous when eating, because children decide as much as possible for themselves. In this way they learn to perceive their needs and to stand up for them.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 18/01/2023 14:50:42)