Katholische Kindertagesstätte St. Anna

ab 1 Jahr bis zur Einschulung

Katholische Kindertagesstätte St. Anna
Silcherstr. 8
92284 Poppenricht
Funding authority
Katholische Kirchenstiftung St. Michael Poppenricht
St.-Michael-Str. 6
92284 Poppenricht
09621 64880 (Marion Penzkofer)
Opening times7:00 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysca. 30 im Kita-Jahr
Foreign languages German
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, inclusion, partially open concept
Extras Barrier-free, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs, language education

Current information

Open day: Monday, 10.02.2025 from 3-5 pm


Welcome to the St. Anna Catholic Daycare Center in Traßlberg / Poppenricht.

Our logo is adorned with a rainbow. We as a team are as colorful and diverse as a rainbow. People of different ages, different professions and different genders, united under the rainbow with the aim of creating a space of appreciation, trust and well-being for families.


Our facility accommodates 3 kindergarten groups and 1 crèche group. The main entrance leads to the kindergarten area, where you will find the group rooms for the Mice, Hedgehogs and Rabbits groups, our gym, the staff room, the kitchen, the toilets (for young and old) and the large corridor with additional play areas, such as our playhouse and the ball pool. The two large kindergarten groups, Mice and Hedgehogs, also have a raised area in the group room and an adjoining room. The garden can also be accessed directly from both groups and the gym.

A side entrance leads to our crèche, the Spatzennest. Both areas are connected by a corridor, so that cross-group work is always possible. In addition to the spacious group room, the children can also use the kitchen, the bedroom and the washroom. Vehicles can also be driven in the crèche corridor or children can romp and slide in the exercise area.

The crèche has a separate entrance and a checkroom with space for baby carriages.


Our group rooms with their different corners are constantly changing to provide new play stimuli and ideas.

The rooms are individually designed according to the wishes and needs of the individual groups. There are different corners or functional tables: Building corner, doll corner, cuddly corner, magnetic building blocks, hairdressing doll's head, Playmobil corner, etc.

The painting table is in constant use. Whether coloring pictures, self-painting or seasonal handicrafts, the painting table is always full and promotes creativity, fine motor skills, pencil holding and life skills.

Many different toys are available on the shelves. These are a joyful offer for daily development and combine fun with usefulness. The children learn concentration, patience, frustration tolerance, dealing with failure and also a sense of achievement.

All of this is used for targeted support, for incidental learning and is the best way to make contact and establish relationships, both with their peers and with us educators.


Outdoor Facilities

The outdoor area in the kindergarten includes a spacious play area with a large sandpit, a large pirate ship and a climbing house (both with climbing facilities and slides). There are also various climbing and gymnastics equipment, a bird's nest swing and a mud pit to try out and various seating areas to relax on. There is a garden shed for storing garden and small toys. Raised beds complete the offer.

The crèche garden also has a small bird's nest swing, a play and climbing house and a sandpit. The crèche children are always free to spend time in the kindergarten garden and play with friends.


Daily Schedule

A day at our kindergarten includes

Drop-off time (from 07.00 to 08.30)

Core time (from 08.30 to 12.30) with

    morning circle
    Snack time together
    Free play time
    Targeted activities/projects
    Stay in the garden / gym / free play time
    Joint closing time

Pick-up time (12.30 to 15.00) with

    time in the garden / gym / free play time

A day at our crèche includes

Drop-off time (07.00 to 08.30)

Core time (08.30 to 12.30) with

    morning circle
    Snack time together
    Free play time
    Targeted activities/projects
    Nap time / free play time
    Stay in the garden / gym / free play time
    Pick-up time

Pick-up time (12.30 to 15.00)

    Nap time / free play time / time in the garden / gym



We attach great importance to a healthy and balanced snack. Each group has a snack together. Here, the children enjoy eating in good company. Water and juice spritzers are available for the children at all times. Tea and milk are also offered.


We receive our lunch daily from König Catering in Amberg. Parents can book lunch for their child individually: daily, on a specific day or for the whole week. Simply let the group staff know. In the event of illness, the child can be unsubscribed from lunch in person, by telephone or via the app. The meal plan is stored in the app and is also displayed on the information walls in the crèche and kindergarten areas.

EU school fruit / school milk program

Our facility participates in the EU school program, which, with financial support from the EU and the state of Bavaria, enables us to regularly provide fresh fruit, vegetables and dairy products as a snack or as a snack between meals. .

Healthy breakfast

Each group has a healthy breakfast once a month on a fixed day. A list is posted on the group doors in advance - each child brings something to eat together.

Birthday celebrations

A birthday is a happy occasion. We also celebrate the child's birthday and a little something to eat on the birthday table is a must. Here you discuss everything (when we celebrate, what the child brings) with the group staff.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 31/01/2025 12:34:20)