Waldkindergarten Weinbergstrolche

3-6 Jahre

Waldkindergarten Weinbergstrolche
FlurNr. 256 1
86674 Baar (Schwaben)
Funding authority
Gemeinde Baar (Schwaben)
Marktplatz 18
86554 Pöttmes
Opening times7:30 AM - 2:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysWeihnachten zwei Wochen
Pfingsten eine Woche
Sommerferien 3 Wochen
Foreign languages German
Specially educational concept nature education, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras Child care with special focus on environmental education

Current information


The forest kindergarten offers optimal conditions for a holistic education, as the natural environment is full of opportunities for discovery.

Primal play also plays an important role in forest nature education. Primal play means playing with unprocessed natural materials such as branches, leaves, fruit, moss, stones, earth, water or landscape structures, seasons and natural phenomena. Primal play is playing in and with nature and is therefore not possible indoors. Primal play is not about a return to nature, not about nature poetry and romance, not about trivializing nature, but only about one thing: primal play is the most important elementary access to nature for children and the basis for building a conscience of nature.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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