Mini-Kita Sonnenkäfer

Mini-Kita Sonnenkäfer
Kirchweg 19
86674 Baar (Schwaben)
Funding authority
Gemeinde Baar (Schwaben)
Marktplatz 18
86554 Pöttmes
08276 5894421 (Manuela Zaja)
Opening times7:00 AM - 2:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysWeihnachten 2 Wochen
Pfingsten 1 Woche
Sommer 3 Wochen
Foreign languages German
Extras care with lunch
Pets keine Haustierhaltung

Current information


We welcome you to our Mini-Kita Sonnenkäfer and are delighted that you would like to entrust your child to us. Children are a very precious asset and must be protected, encouraged and challenged. Therefore, good cooperation and a basis of trust between children, parents and the team is very important to us. The time in which we are allowed to accompany your child is a very decisive phase in the child's development and forms the basis for further development.

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A warm lunch is offered.

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Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 21/10/2024 20:30:37)