Kinderhaus Spatzennest

12 Monate bis zur Einschulung

Kinderhaus Spatzennest
Unterfeldstraße 50
86554 Pöttmes
Funding authority
Markt Pöttmes
Marktplatz 18
86554 Pöttmes
082539998720 (Lesti Dagmar)
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
early care7:00 AM - 7:30 AM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days25
Specially educational concept partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information

On Monday, November 18, 2024, an information evening will take place in our children's home at 7 p.m. Here you can get to know the house and how we work. You will get an insight into our concept and the daily routine in the creche and kindergarten.


Our nursery is a daycare centre that accompanies children from the age of one until they start school. The interaction between the crèche and kindergarten is reflected in the common annual theme and a gentle, pedagogically supported transition. In the crèche, we place particular emphasis on music and language. Everyday life is accompanied by songs that give the children guidance. In the kindergarten, we work according to the partially open concept. Although there is a fixed group structure, the children can also use various outdoor play areas (gym, cosy corner, reading corner, play corner) to meet up with friends from the other group. In small, age-homogeneous groups, the children experience various activities that slowly lead them towards school readiness during their time at the Kinderhaus.

You can gain an in-depth insight into our work on our homepage: Herzlich Willkommen im Kinderhaus Spatzennest Pöttmes (

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Our children's centre has a crèche and a kindergarten area. In addition to the group room, each group has a separate adjoining room, while the kindergarten groups also have a spacious gallery. A gymnasium is available to all groups and the play corridor is divided into various play areas, which can also be used by the children throughout the day.

Sanitary rooms with water play facilities in the crèche area support the teaching of cleanliness. 

There is a separate crèche area in the garden with a bobby car track that invites children to romp around. The garden for the nursery children is laid out in a natural environment and offers a large sandpit, lots of play equipment, a mud kitchen and a playhouse. 

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Our facility offers a varied breakfast and an afternoon snack for the crèche children, as well as a warm lunch delivered by a caterer. 

In the kindergarten, the children have the option of eating a hot lunch.

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Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 22/10/2024 08:48:27)