Kath. Kindergarten St. Laurentius

2 Jahre und 6 Monate bis zum Schuleintritt

Kath. Kindergarten St. Laurentius
Kirchweg 20
86674 Baar (Schwaben)
Funding authority
Kath. Kirchenstiftung St. Laurentius
Klosterberg 1
86676 Thierhaupten
Opening times7:00 AM - 2:30 PM o'clock
Closing days3 Wochen im August, zwischen Weihnachten und Heilig 3 König
weitere Schließtage werden am Kindergartenjahresanfang bekannt gegeben
Extras care with lunch

Current information

Öffnungszeiten am Freitag 7.00 Uhr bis 13.30 Uhr


Information about our facility can be found on the homepage of Gemeinde Baar (Schwaben): Kinderbetreuung: Gemeinde Baar (gemeinde-baar.de)

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The kindergarten has two group rooms with adjoining kitchens. The kitchens are used as additional play areas and for activities. Each group has its own children's and staff toilets. The rooms are located on the first floor and on the second floor. The office is located on the first floor, which also serves as a staff room and meeting room. There is a gym and a materials room in the basement.

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Outdoor Facilities

The outdoor area is divided into two levels. In the lower area, the children have access to a sandpit, a swing, a wooden car, two wooden horses and various smaller play materials. In the upper area, the children have a climbing frame, a slide and a board to play on.

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Daily Schedule

Our kindergarten day starts between 7.00 a.m. and 8.00 a.m. with drop-off time. Free play time begins when the children arrive.

Our morning circle begins at around 8.15 a.m. and lasts approx. 10 - 15 minutes. Afterwards, the children have the opportunity to play or have a snack. During this time, we offer specific activities, which usually take place in small groups or with individual children. At around 10.45 a.m., clean-up time begins. After this, we meet for a circle of chairs.

We start with lunch at 11.30 am. The children who are not registered for lunch have another free play time or go to the garden.

Pick-up time begins at 12.00 noon and is based on the booking times.

The daily routine is not fixed and can be changed by the groups.

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We offer the children a warm lunch.

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