BRK Haus für Kinder Waldläufer

BRK Haus für Kinder Waldläufer
Sportpark 3a
91785 Pleinfeld
Funding authority
BRK Kreisverband Südfranken
Rothenburger Straße 33
91781 Weißenburg
09144 3239700 (Annika Brenner)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysUnsere Schließtage variieren je nach Bildungsjahr zwischen 25-35 Tagen
Specially educational concept nature education, Situation orientated approach, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras Child care for physical education

Current information


That makes us special:

"Nature is as essential for children as good nutrition.
It is their ancestral developmental space" (Renz-Polster/Hüther 2013, p. 9).

- Nature-based education - being physically active in nature, playing with natural materials and experiencing and discovering nature with all the senses is an integral part of the daily routine
- The garden and forest are an integral part of our educational space
- Physical education - giving children the opportunity to act out their natural urge to move every day
- ESD - education for sustainable development
- setting future-oriented impulses
- Cross-group work - kindergarten and crèche
- Changing educational projects and situational activities based on the children's wishes and interests
- Preschool work adapted to the respective needs
- Recurring routines and rituals offer the children security in everyday life
- Educational partnership: The child's well-being is always the focus!
- We want to give children what they need for a stable relationship, education and development


Our house for children Waldläufer is located in the countryside and is close to the Pleinfeld comprehensive school. The neighbouring forest is regularly used by all age groups of the facility, taking into account the concept and the needs of the children.

Our centre offers space for a total of 174 children, divided into individual areas. 2 crèche groups, 4 kindergarten groups and 2 after-school groups. Thanks to the well thought-out planning of the different areas, we are able to create a familiar atmosphere for the individual age groups.


Outdoor Facilities

Outdoor facilities:


Arena with meadow steps
Hard court for basketball and football
Terraces in each area
Snack garden and raised beds
Relaxation spot for the schoolkids with chillnet and bench
Walkways for sitting and balancing
Construction area with stones, wood and earth for free design
Large sand lake
Wave benches
Sensory trail
Double swing
Tippi village
Climbing areas and tunnels

Separate U3 area
Dwarf house with small slide
Wooden tippy
Sandpit with sand tables
Motor skills course
and much more.

Forest area:
We regularly take our rangers to a particular woodland area. This is located 350 metres from our building.

There we have seating, a pallet bus, an outdoor wardrobe, pieces of wood for seating and everything else that the forest provides us with as play material.



If you would like your child to receive a hot lunch, you must register with Kitafino.
It is the parent's responsibility to register their child and transfer funds to the Kitafino account. Children who do not participate in the hot lunch program must bring snacks from home.

Costs for the hot lunch can be found in our concept.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 09/01/2025 08:21:30)