Kindergarten Rinnenweg

Ab 2 Jahre bis zum Schuleintritt

Kindergarten Rinnenweg
Rinnenweg 5/1
73277 Owen
Funding authority
Stadt Owen
Rathausstraße 8
73277 Owen
07021/958688 (Frau Charlene Schubert)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
lunch closing1:00 PM - 2:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysSchließtage und Pädagogische Tage finden Sie unter:
Foreign languages German, English, Turkish
Specially educational concept inclusion, infans, open concept

Current information


We have prepared our house for good educational and developmental steps

By setting up the diverse experience areas, we have created an interesting and stimulating environment for all children that supports, motivates and challenges them in their overall development. Here, the children can always independently find new ideas and incentives to educate themselves. In the process, they learn to develop plans and set goals for themselves. They determine the duration and the course of the game predominantly on their own. In this way, they can gradually build up confidence in their own abilities. However, the children do not only gather new experiences on their own, but we educators challenge them again and again with new impulses.


Unser Kindergarten nimmt am EU-Förderprogram „Schulobst und -gemüse“ teil. Wöchentlich stellt uns der Biolandhof Gruel eine bunte Obst- und Gemüsekiste zusammen.

Das Obst und Gemüse wird gemeinsam mit den Kindern abgeholt und in den Kindergarten gebracht. Am Mittwochvormittag wird Obst und Gemüse als Ergänzung zum mitgebrachten Vesper während der Vesperzeit angeboten.

Am Nachmittag findet eine gemütliche Obstpause statt.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 22/08/2023 16:01:40)