Kita Kinderwelt

0 bis 7 Jahre

Kita Kinderwelt
Nordstraße 11
04758 Oschatz
Funding authority
Stadt Oschatz
Neumarkt 1
04758 Oschatz
03435 920319 (Kati Starke)
Opening times6:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
early care6:00 AM - 7:00 AM o'clock
Closing daysEine Woche in den Ferien zzgl. 2 Fortbildungstagen sowie den Tag nach Himmelfahrt
Specially educational concept Kneipp Kindergarten
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, flexible care, full day care

Current information


We are working with the concept of "Kneipp"

“The best thing you can do against an illness is to do something for your health.” (Sebastian Kneipp)

We are working with the comprehensive health principles of the “water doctor” Sebastian Kneipp. We are primarily concerned with how we can keep our children and ourselves healthy. The children learn the basics of a healthy and natural lifestyle in a playful way.


The 5 pillars of Kneipp

1. Order of life and mental well-being (making friends, feeling good, regular daily routine, rituals, methodes of relaxation, rules, massages,...)

2. Exercise (outdoor exercise regardless of wind and weather, sports activities, hikes, visits to the playground, ball slide,...)

3. Healthy nutrition (balanced healthy foods, meals together in a cozy atmosphere, getting to know different foods, trying everything and deciding for yourself what tastes good, harvesting and processing what grows in the garden,...)

4. Herbs and medicinal plants (getting to know and processing herbs, small medicine cabinet, seasoning with herbs, smelling and tasting herbs,...)

5. Water (arm baths, water treading, dew walking, snow treading, air baths, sauna, knee watering, Facial rinsing,…)


We are working according to the educational plan of Saxony

Learning is playing and playing is learning. Playing is the child's main activity and it is amazing how all areas of education can be found in play and in the child's actions. Everything that the children learn in kindergarten is what they will need for their later lives, as school children, teenagers and adults. We lay the foundation in the daycare center.

1. Somatic education, e.g. exploring the environment with all the senses, getting to know your own body, feeling comfortable and secure, keeping the body healthy, finding peace but experiencing exciting things, exercise and sport, etc.

2. Communicative education, e.g. speaking with friends, communicating with nursery teachers and agreeing on the rules of the game, listening to and retelling stories, interpreting looks and gestures, finding joy in language, singing, etc.

3. Social education, e.g. playing with friends, giving or exchanging something, making arrangements, negotiating game content, recognizing emotions in myself and others, reacting to emotions appropiately, taking on small tasks, accepting everyone as they are, etc.

4. Aesthetic education, e.g. looking at colors and shapes, laying pattern chains, describing colors, listening to music and making music by themself, playing theater, finger games, dancing, painting, crafts, etc.

5. Science education, e.g. exploring everything, naming materials and finding out where they come from; Getting to know people, plants and animals, asking questions and finding answers, experimenting, etc.


We are an integrative kindergarten

In our kindergarten, children with individual needs can play, learn and feel comfortable. We provide professional support to the children and parents in order to give the child the best possible support, learn the skills and abilities they need and have fun while learning. All children should be able to grow up and develop at their own pace.


Our kindergarten was extensively renovated and rebuild in 2012. This means we now have the best options to care for children at the age of 0 to 7 years.

Our kindergarten building has a ground floor where the daycare area is located and a first floor with the kindergarten area. There is a room where the strollers are kept dry for the little ones as well as a sports and multi-purpose room that all children like to use. The large slide with the ball pit is very popular. Each group has its own rooms plus its own bathroom and dressing room. We love our large windows, which make our rooms nice and bright and from which we can watch nature while having all kind of meals.





Outdoor Facilities

In the outdoor garden, children have the opportunity to move, play, run around, build and try things out in a large, child-friendly green area. There are sections with different textures (stones, grass and sand) and different levels. Green enclosures, bushes and an old tree population invite to hide. The children can enjoy their meals, talk to friends and observe nature in comfortable places to sit. With that the children can discover their environment with all their senses, there is a barefoot path, several herb beds and a berry hedge as well as a Kneipp inspired water treading pool a natural boost of the immune system. Our outdoor area invites children to use their senses.

Daily Schedule

6:00 a.m. Early Hours

7.40 a.m. Breakfast, personal hygiene (7.40 a.m. – 8.15 a.m. no delivery time)

8.30 a.m. Free play, offers, opportunity for Kneipp treatments, parties and celebrations

9.30 a.m. Fruit break in a cozy atmosphere, personal hygiene, getting ready to go outside

10 a.m. Games in the garden, observation walks, hikes

10.45 a.m. End of the stay outdoors, taking off outdoor clothes, personal hygiene, preparation for lunch

11:00 a.m. Lunch

11.30 a.m. Preparation for the nap, personal hygiene, changing clothes, reading stories, listening to

songs, possibility for Kneipp treatments

12:00 p.m. nap time

2 p.m. Get up, dress, personal hygiene 

2.30 p.m. Afternoon Snacks

from 3 p.m. Free play in the group room or garden


We pay attention to a healthy and well-balanced diet. It is the basis for maintaining the health of our children. A peaceful atmosphere on the table is just as important to us as getting to know and love the variety of different foods in a cozy setting.

Breakfast: The children bring a healthy breakfast from home in their lunch boxes.

Fruit break: Fruit and vegetables are served freshly sliced.

Lunch and afternoon snack: Our food provider SOZIALKÜCHE LOMMATZSCH provides us with a delicious lunch and a snack.

Drinks: Unsweetened tea and water are freely available all day, and children can also choose milk for breakfast.

The children have the right to say which food they like.





Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 14/05/2024 10:00:39)