Kita Am Holländer

Wir betreuen Kinder im Alter von 8 Wochen bis zum Schuleintritt

Kita Am Holländer
Am Holländer 2
04758 Oschatz
Funding authority
Stadt Oschatz
Neumarkt 1
04758 Oschatz
03435 920086
Opening times6:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
early care6:00 AM - 7:00 AM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysUnsere Einrichtung hat in diesem Jahr an folgenden Tagen geschlossen:

17. April 2025 Fortbildungstag
22. bis 25. April 2025 Schließwoche
30. Mai 2025 Brückentag nach Himmelfahrt
4. & 5. August 2025 Fortbildung und Vorbereitung für das neue Kindergartenjahr
30. Oktober 2025 Fortbildungstag
22. bis 31. Dezember 2025 Schließzeit über Weihnachten und Neujahr
Specially educational concept nature education

Current information

On Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 3 p.m., you will have the opportunity to visit our daycare center. We will show you the premises, our outdoor area and can talk to you together about everyday pedagogical life. 

If you would like to take part in the tour, please register by e-mail to

We look forward to your visit.


In our day nursery "Am Holländer" we work according to the nature-oriented pedagogical approach. The children can experience nature with all their senses and understand it in the truest sense of the word.


Our day nursery consists of an old building, in which the group rooms of the youngest children - our Krabbelkäfer - are located on the ground floor and the rooms of the oldest children - our Schlaue Füchse - are located in the attic. Both groups have their own cloakrooms and sanitary facilities. The single-storey extension adjoins the old building. This is where the children of the Grashüpfer and Flinke Hasen find their group rooms. The two groups share a cloakroom and each has a sanitary area. In addition to the group rooms, the children of these two groups can use a large play area for their activities.

Outdoor Facilities

In our large outdoor area with its various areas, the children will find enough space to move freely, to perceive nature with all their senses, to hide, to play with other children or simply to retreat. 

The creche children have their own place of retreat in the separate crib area of the outdoor area. 

Daily Schedule

Geared to the needs of the children, everyday life in our facility is structured as follows:

6 a.m. to 7 p.m.       Early morning service in the group room of the Flinke Hasen

until 7.45 a.m.         We warmly welcome all children who have breakfast in the daycare center

8 a.m. to 8.30 a.m.  In a quiet atmosphere, the children have breakfast

until 8.45 a.m.         We welcome the children who have had breakfast at home

8:45 a.m. to 10 a.m. Time for free play and educational activities

until 11 a.m.              Free play and outdoor educational activities

11 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. In a quiet atmosphere, all children have lunch together

until 11.45 a.m.          The lunch children can end their day with us and be picked up

12 p.m. to 2 p.m.        Time for nap and sleep

from 2.15 p.m.            We start with Vespers

until 4 p.m.                 free play outdoors or in the group rooms

4 p.m. to 5 p.m.          Late service outdoors or in the group room of the Flinke Hasen


In our day nursery, every child brings their breakfast from home in the morning. 

Lunch and snacks are offered by the Sozialküche Lommatzsch.

The children have free unsweetened tea and water at their disposal every day. For breakfast, the children can also choose milk.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 26/03/2025 12:20:06)