Kindertagespflege Nest-Werk e. V.

6. Lebensmonat - Kindergarteneintritt

Kindertagespflege Nest-Werk e. V.
Ackergasse 28
61440 Oberursel (Taunus)
Funding authority
Nest-Werk e.V.
Ackergasse 28
61440 Oberursel (Taunus)
06171/9298769 (Frau Kaewel (Vermittlung von Tagesmüttern))
06171/6981944 (Frau Kaewel)
Opening times7:00 AM - 6:00 PM o'clock
Closing days- gesetzliche Feiertage
Extras care with lunch, flexible care, full day care

Current information

Es gibt noch freie Plätze in 2025!!! Die Steckbriefe mit Fotos unserer Tagesmütter finden Sie hier: Schreiben Sie uns eine Mail an oder rufen Sie uns an unter 06171-92 98 769, wir leiten Ihnen dann die Kontaktdaten unserer Tagesmütter weiter.


They search

• a childminder, nanny or babysitter in Oberursel or Steinbach?
• a professional and loving care for your child in a manageable small group?

• individual care and support tailored to the needs of your child
• an intensive attention and attention of every single child
• individually agreed childcare times
• public funding as a financial relief

We convey

Full-day care for toddlers (Mon - Fri, from about 7:00 to 17:00 clock) and babysitter in all parts of Oberursel and Steinbach

• childminders (5 children)

• Associations of day mothers / fathers in rented care rooms (10 children)

• nannies

Our mothers-fathers offer

• a loving, empathetic care, support and care

• careful, individual acclimatization

• a child-friendly care environment in manageable groups of children (max 5 - 10 children)

• Reliable daily routines with activity and rest / sleep phases based on the needs of the child

• a balanced diet that takes into account individual specificities (daily lunch, 2. breakfast, snacks)

• Age-appropriate promotion and play offers inside and outside

• a trusting cooperation with parents

• a nursing permit issued by the local youth welfare office for the qualified care of infants
• a professional qualification and professional support at the recognized educational institution NEST-WERK e.V. (federal certificate, 2-year qualification in early childhood education)

• annual training (at least 20 teaching units)

• regular group supervision (exchange of childminders with expert support)

We look forward to hearing from you. We are happy to arrange a consultation / information discussion with you. Or just come over during our office hours.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 19/02/2025 12:49:29)