KTE Schatzkiste

0 - 6 Jahre, Schwerpunkt Kinder mit erhöhtem Förderbedarf (Inklusion)

KTE Schatzkiste
Am Stemmersgraben 8
46117 Oberhausen
Funding authority
Lebenshilfe Oberhausen gGmbH
Königshardter Straße 226
46145 Oberhausen
0208 / 97063070 (Frau Glass)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysUnsere beiden Standorte haben in den letzten 2 Juli-Wochen geschlossen. Wir bieten in Kooperation mit anderen Einrichtungen eine Betreuung während der Schließung an. Weitere Schließungstage werden frühzeitig bekannt gegeben.
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, livebased approach
Extras Barrier-free, Child care for physical education, Integrative facility, Parents center, care with lunch, cooperation facility, family counseling, for children with special educational needs, language education

Current information

For children with or without handycap.


In our barrier-free daycare center "Schatzkiste" of Lebenshilfe Oberhausen gGmbH children with and without (imminent) disabilities are cared in two houses in all in all 7 groups.

Our group with the youngest children consists of boys and girls up to the age of three.

Four groups care children from the age of two until they start school.

Two groups care children between 3-6 years.

Our facility is open to all children and can be admitted regardless of nationality, ethnic origin, religion and disability - every child is welcome with their family. 


Our rooms are barrier-free and take into account the needs of the children, as well as those of the parents and employees. The children can deal with all areas of education, the staff can help shape good and health-promoting working conditions and for the parents we have created various opportunities for encounters in the house. It is important to us that all people feel comfortable in our house and experience participation.

Our daycare center has five group rooms with an adjoining adjoining room. Since our groups are mixed in age, there are also different game offers. The rooms are divided into different areas of action and retreats. 

In our gym a variety of exercise offers take place. Integrated into the outdoor area designed with trees, hedges and stones, the children will find play equipment for further movement possibilities (swing, slide...). On a paved path, the children can drive with different vehicles. 


The children can help themselves to a breakfast buffet in the morning and at noon we serve a freshly cooked meal.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 07/12/2022 14:22:38)


The children are the focus of our work and we enable everyone to participate optimally. Their everyday life is characterized by co-determination, play, movement, language and much more.

We attach great importance to a sustainable cooperation with the parents in order to enable the children in a joint accompaniment, the best possible education, care and upbringing. The therapies of children with (imminent) disabilities can, under certain conditions, take place within the day-to-day life of the kindergarten.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 07/12/2022 14:22:38)

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