JUH KiTa Grötzenberg

2-6 Jahre

JUH KiTa Grötzenberg
Brucher Straße 2
51588 Nümbrecht
Funding authority
Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. Regionalverband Rhein.-/ Oberberg
Ohlerhammer 14
51674 Wiehl
02293 1315 (Frau Daniela Günther)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysSommerferien: drei Wochen während der NRW-Sommerferien / Weihnachten: zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr geschlossen / Brückentage: Öffnung orientiert sich am Bedarf der Eltern / Konzeptionstag: zweimal jährlich 1 Tag / Abschlussfahrt der Vorschulkinder 1 Tag
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept Kneipp Kindergarten, Wood-Pedagogy
Extras care with lunch


We are a four-group facility for children from two years up to school entrance. Our focus is that we work according to the five elements of Kneipp. Staying in nature is a further focus of our pedagogical work.  We are particularly concerned to accompany the children in a democratic way of life. On our website you can view the concept at any time. The opening hours are determined by the annual parental survey for the assessment of needs.


3 group rooms with adjoining rooms, kitchen, communal room for offers such as Kneipp or school strikers, multi-purpose room for sports facilities, a long playable hallway area, a large washroom and a small laundry room with changing area, a Kneipp pool for water application, a bedroom, toilet for adults, storage rooms.The rooms are furnished according to the criteria of the room program for U3. On the outside there is a forest cart for our forest group.

Outdoor Facilities

We have an outdoor area with various play possibilities (natural climbing trees, a sensory path, sandpit, retreats through the vegetation with bushes, a paved path with the possibility to drive with children's vehicles).
Each group has a small terrace

Daily Schedule

All children come to the kindergarten until 9 a.m., where a healthy life is offered from 7 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. In the morning, various activities take place in the house, which the children can freely choose according to their interests. In the late morning, the individual tribal groups meet for games, birthday parties, children's conferences, etc.  We meet regularly for a meeting of the Children's Conference and the Children's Parliament. The children are involved in the planning of everyday life with their ideas. The outdoor stay takes place at least once a day. Here the children can choose when they want to play outdoors.12.30 o'clock a lunch is held in small groups of up to 10 children. After lunch we go into a "resting phase" in small groups. After the rest period, the children decide how they want to spend the afternoon. Everyday life is according to the different phases of tension and relaxation and according to the needs of the children.


Breakfast is prepared according to health-promoting criteria in the day care centre. The herbs from the own krätergarten are used. Lunch is delivered by menu catering Schmidt from Gummersbach. . This is tailored to children according to criteria of health promotion.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 26/03/2025 23:16:44)