
In unserer Kindergartengruppe betreuen wir Kinder ab zwei Jahren bis zur Einschulung und in unserer Wiegestube (Krippe) Kinder ab 0 bis 3 Jahren. Unsere Sonderöffnungszeiten von 12.30 Uhr bis 15 Uhr können monatsweise gebucht werden.

Wasserstraße 41
48531 Nordhorn
Funding authority
Förderverein Waldorfpädagogik Grafschaft Bentheim e.V.
Wasserstraße 41
48531 Nordhorn
05921/34851 (Leitung)
Opening times7:30 AM - 3:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysWährend der Sommerferien ist der Kindergarten in der Regel für zwei Wochen geschlossen, zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr entsprechend den Feiertagen, über Ostern für eine Woche und zu Himmelfahrt den Feiertag und den darauffolgenden Tag. Die genauen Schließungszeiten werden den Eltern rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben.
Specially educational concept Waldorf education
Extras care with lunch, parents association

Current information

Open House

Tour of our facility as part of the new registrations for summer 2025/2026

=> Since we can only allocate crèche places, only the crèche will be open for viewing! 

When: January 16 & 23, 2025 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m


Our house is located in the Stadtflur district in a quiet residential area and we offer a total of 25 places for children aged 2 until they start school and 15 places for children aged 0 to 3. Our kindergarten concept is based on the principles of Waldorf education. In our Waldorf kindergarten, Rudolf Steiner's ideas, beliefs and insights are kept alive and his suggestions implemented in our daily work with the children. The basic idea of ​​Waldorf education is:

Nurture what lies dormant in the child.

All possibilities lie before him,

all the riches in him.

The adults act as role models: their meaningful actions indoors and outdoors, from pruning trees to sewing to preparing a full breakfast, are part of their educational activities. By taking on real tasks such as gardening and housework, the children learn to support others and their environment with joy and confidence. In doing so, they recognize meaningful connections between things and their origins, between actions and their consequences. In addition to independence, respect for the child's individual personality and their own activity is the focus of our educational and upbringing work. Values ​​such as conscious nutrition, the appreciation of each individual, the child's independence and daily closeness to nature are particularly important to us educators and the families who bring their children to us and underlie the work of our institution. We offer the children a reliable and familiar environment that gives them security and a protective shell so that they can mature in peace.

We would like to point out our costs in addition to the crèche/kindergarten fee:

Eurythmy                     => currently €12/month (only for kindergarten children)

Breakfast                     => currently €15/month Kiga

lunchtime                     => currently €3/day mandatory for extended childcare hours

Lunch at crèche           => currently €2/day, mandatory

Material costs               => currently €5/month

Garden fee                   => currently €20/garden day & child if you cannot take part Kiga

care contribution           => currently €0.25/day of attendance

Nursery care fee           => currently 1.25 €/day of attendance (after drying out, nursery care fee)

Contribution Waldorf     => currently €10/month for 1st child, €5 for 2nd child, from the 3rd child onwards free of charge (if children are cared for in our facility at the same time)


In the kindergarten we have a large group room with an integrated kitchen, where almost everything that concerns everyday kindergarten life takes place. The household and craft activities of the adults, which can be accompanied by the children, also take place here, as do the children's artistic activities in large and small groups and free play. Everything in the group room is accessible to children and tailored to their needs. Things should be understood in terms of their meaning and how they are handled. In our crèche we have a large, bright and friendly furnished group room, a bedroom and a large bathroom with a changing area. Just as in kindergarten, children see adults as role models and can imitate their activities. The play material is freely accessible to children and, thanks to its nature, promotes creativity and their own play instinct. For naptime, each child has their own bed with their own blankets and cuddly toys.

Outdoor Facilities

The kindergarten has a large, natural garden around the house, in which a wide variety of vegetables and fruits are planted. There the teachers work with the children so that they unconsciously experience the big connections between sowing, growing, caring for, ripening, fruiting and harvesting. Open areas invite you to play running and exercise games, climbing and activities in the sand. Not a day goes by in the Waldorf kindergarten without the children getting plenty of exercise in the fresh air. Whether in the spacious garden or on a weekly walk in the forest, in the tree house or playing hide-and-seek - nature is always a living partner. Our fairy tale room is located in the outside building. Here all the children gather for the final circle at lunchtime, listen to a fairy tale/story together and say goodbye to each other.

Daily Schedule

A day in the Waldorf kindergarten is similar to that of a well-coordinated family. The teachers consciously pursue activities that serve to organize everyday kindergarten life. In our Waldorf kindergarten, the organization of the day is very important. Particular emphasis is placed on ensuring that the day runs rhythmically, i.e. the phases of free, moving play and quiet, guided form alternate. The children are not kept busy or entertained. You are active independently by trying to imitate, help shape or play things. The entire group of children arrive from 7:30 a.m. until around 8 a.m. They play freely for themselves or with each other until breakfast at 9:15 a.m. Meanwhile, the teachers prepare breakfast, do crafts and sewing, for example for the seasonal table or write invitations for an event. The children have the opportunity to actively participate or watch. When the teachers finish their work, that is the signal to clean up together, because something new begins: everyone comes together for the morning circle. Similar to round dance, songs, verses, rhymes and finger games are repeated over a longer period of time with the children using gestures for the respective season. In this way, the children train their memory in a playful way, expand their language and discover the joy of making music and singing. After washing their hands, the future school children set the breakfast table and everyone takes a seat. Depending on the day of the week, there are home-baked rolls, muesli with fresh fruit, carrot salad or other wholesome delicacies. We serve tea or water to drink.

After breakfast, the older children help clear the tables and then they go outside for free play. Digging pants, rubber boots and a rain jacket are required every day. During this time, the teachers work with the children to do useful things around the house and garden, such as raking leaves and planting flower bulbs. We regularly take a walk into the nearby woods. The morning ends in peace in the fairy tale room with a fairy tale and the farewell song in a circle of chairs. The children play in the garden or in the group room until lunch. Children who are cared for until 3 p.m. receive a warm lunch at 12.30 p.m., which is eaten together with the teachers. This regulated daily routine helps the child, like a scaffold, to take their own developmental steps in a protected environment, confident that everything will happen the same way again tomorrow.


A balanced, wholesome and development-promoting diet for children is very important to us. The health, growth and vitality of children are significantly influenced by nutrition. The basis of the diet in the kindergarten is grain combined with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. It is particularly important to us to avoid sugary desserts. All ingredients for the exclusively vegetarian dishes come from organic farming. Every day a teacher prepares breakfast together with the children, which is repeated weekly. It is then eaten together, creating a positive, joyful communal experience and enjoyment. During free play time outdoors, children are offered a snack of fruit, vegetables, etc., as well as tea or water. Our lunch is prepared fresh daily by a chef in our own kitchen. The recipes change with the season and the regional offerings

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