Kita "Waldkonzert"

Kita "Waldkonzert"
Neidschützer Str 27A
06618 Naumburg (Saale)
Funding authority
Dechantengrund e. V.
Dechantengrund 1
06618 Naumburg (Saale)
03445/237426 (Cornelia Pförtsch)
Opening times5:30 AM - 6:00 PM o'clock
late care6:00 PM - 8:30 PM o'clock
Specially educational concept livebased approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Child care for physical education, Integrative facility, care with lunch, full day care

Current information

Our kindergarten Waldkonzert

The basis of our pedagogical work is the Children's Promotion Act of Saxony/Anhalt and the education program "Bildung elementar-Bildung von Anfang an" with its educational fields.

In addition to the support, the promotion of each individual child is a determining factor for our work. In doing so, each child is supported within the scope of the existing possibilities and according to his individual needs, strengths and weaknesses. Our concept is designed to bring children to life in a playful way, according to their needs and their life stages. The focal points of our work are movement, life-world exploration as well as creativity, nature and environmental awareness. 

Daily trips to the forest, which lies directly on the doorstep of our daycare center, support us to implement these priorities. The forest is an ideal place to play where our children can experience peace, concentration and adventure.

We also like to go to the playgrounds in the district or make all-day trips by bus and train. 

However, our garden also offers plenty of space for activities. Here the children can swing, climb, slide, play in the sandbox, drive with vehicles and much more.

Regular groups and project work on the topics of the children strengthen the group feeling. This also includes pre-school education for our school beginners.

Common meals in the morning, midday and afternoon, as well as morning and discussion groups offer children the opportunity to exchange views or to express their concerns and wishes and to plan the common daily routine.

When children under the age of 3 come to our daycare center, we start with a gentle start-up phase. The parents have the opportunity to visit us with their child before settling in the so called Krabbel hours.

Children from the age of 3 years will also have the opportunity to go to the daycare routine with their parents during the free-play period, on the morning or afternoon. This is how they get to know the educating people, the group room and the other children.

In order to facilitate the transition of the future school children, we are in contact with the respective primary schools.

The regular exchange with the parents is very important to us. In addition to festivities and celebrations, the parents are offered impromptu 'doorway discussions and an annual development discussion. The basis for the development talks is our observation and development arcs.

The guiding principle of Maria Montessori is: "Help me to do it myself!" An important basis of our pedagogical work. 


Offered care types at Mar 27, 2025:

Kind of care