Integrative Tagesstätte "Kleine Strolche"

0-6 Jahre (Schuleintritt)

Integrative Tagesstätte "Kleine Strolche"
Graf-Stauffenberg-Str 5
06618 Naumburg (Saale)
Funding authority
K&S gGmbH
Grochlitzer Str 33
06618 Naumburg (Saale)
03445/703274 (Corinna Seyfarth)
Opening times6:00 AM - 6:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysZwischen den Weihnachtsfeiertagen und Neujahr
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, inclusion, livebased approach, nature education, open concept, open work, Situation approach, Situation orientated approach
Therapeutic support Logopedia, speech therapy, Learning support, occupational therapy, disability, mentally handicapped
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, Pets, care with lunch, flexible care, for children with special educational needs, full day care
Pets Aquarium

Current information



Offered care types at Mar 27, 2025:

Kind of care