Kreativitätskindergarten LDVC

Kreativitätskindergarten LDVC
Alfred-Nobel-Straße 10
14641 Nauen
Funding authority
Alfred-Nobel-Straße 10
14641 Nauen
03321 7487860
Opening times7:00 AM - 6:00 PM o'clock
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, inclusion, open concept
Extras Pets, care with lunch
Pets Ja, derzeit ein Kitahund.

Current information


The creativity kindergarten at the Leonardo Da Vinci Campus Nauen has 5 main areas of specialisation:

Social life and learning:
Democracy education, e.g. through the children's parliament, children's conference and pedagogical work with children's rights
Participation in community projects and activities on campus, e.g. the KiChiNiFant children's festival, Red Hand Day, World Children's Day, healthy living and learning working group
Creative and aesthetic living and learning:
Early musical education, campus musical
Nationwide reading aloud day
Lantern light festival
Use of the studio, themed months, colour week
Communicative living and learning
Dealing with media, library
Language development integrated into everyday life, morning circle, discussion groups
Final project for pre-school children
English story time with native speakers
Campus musical
Scientific life and learning/sustainability
Research and discovery programmes in the daycare centre
Daycare centre garden, daycare centre field, apple hedge
Excursions with a scientific focus, e.g. planetarium or MAFZ
Sponsored science lessons for pre-school children at our primary school
Healthy living and learning
Exercise, relaxation, nutrition (nutrition pyramid)
Participation in the Nauen Old Town Run, Run of Sympathy, "LDVC Cup" indoor football tournament
Use of the sports facilities on campus
For further activities & events on campus: link to the campus blog ( and the campus calendar (


Space as a third educator

There are four areas for our nursery children, four colours with age-appropriate group rooms.

Yellow area - toddler area
Red area - kindergarten area
Blue area - On the way to school
Green area - Piazetta as a marketplace, café,
the campus's own playgrounds and gyms
Functional rooms, e.g. library, studio, Locito

Daily Schedule

from 07:00 a.m.

Arrival at the KITA

from 08:00 - 09:00


09:00 a.m.                  

Daily morning circle

09:30 a.m.                  

Children's conference on Tuesdays and Fridays

After the morning circle: (supervised) play and learning activities until lunch

10:30 a.m.                   

Lunch for the crèche children

11:30 - 12:30     

Lunch for the kindergarten children


Relaxation activities such as reading aloud, Kamishibai (storytelling theatre), star hour or nap time

14:00 - 16:00     

(Accompanied) play and learning activities and ongoing snack programme (snack)


End of the childcare time 


The meals served for breakfast, lunch and snack (afternoon snack) are delivered fresh and are based on a varied, balanced and healthy diet. The quality of the food is monitored by a food committee made up of children, pupils, parents, carers and teachers.

Our daycare centre children harvest seasonal and home-grown fruit and vegetables from their own garden.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 29/04/2024 13:25:25)