Kita Zwergenvilla

Kita Zwergenvilla
Schulstraße 10
14641 Nauen
Funding authority
Die Kinderwelt gGmbH
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 15
14882 Potsdam
033239 20964
Opening times6:15 AM - 4:45 PM o'clock
Extras care with lunch

Current information


The "Zwergenvilla" daycare centre is located in the Wachow district of Nauen on the ground floor of a beautiful old villa. We are a small family-run centre that can care for up to 37 children from the age of 0.
Our educational focus is on the concept of lifeworld-orientation. This means that we orientate ourselves to the living conditions of the children both inside and outside the daycare centre and give them space and time according to their needs. As a daycare centre, we see it as our most important task to provide all children with the same starting conditions. We look at the children's everyday experiences and actions and take these "fields of learning" as the basis for our daily organisation. Our children are actively involved in the planning and organisation.

We are particularly aware of our environment and enable the children to understand it. Conscious interaction and the opportunity for the children to involve us in their playful learning process at any time help the children to develop self-confidence.

Part of our environment is of course Wachow as a place. That's why we are often out and about and let the children discover and explore both the town and nature.

The "Zwergenvilla" has special functional areas such as the creative, scientific, sensory and music areas, the toddler area, a playroom, a language corner and a book corner to ensure the diversity of the educational work. A large garden with trees, shrubs and play equipment, a barefoot path and a herb and vegetable patch complete the outdoor area.

The children at the "Zwergenvilla" enjoy full board with a varied diet. Lunch is delivered fresh daily from one of our kindergartens in Potsdam. In addition, tea and water are available to the children throughout the day. Any health-related dietary requirements of the children are discussed with the parents and taken into account on an individual basis. Our children have the opportunity to help themselves at mealtimes and decide what and how much they want to eat.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 29/04/2024 13:49:08)