Kita Sonnenschein

Kita Sonnenschein
Alte Gärtnerei 1
14641 Nauen
Funding authority
Die Kinderwelt gGmbH
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 15
14882 Potsdam
033239 205340
Opening times6:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Extras care with lunch

Current information


Education and upbringing are always linked to the diverse living environment of the children and their families. We enable our children to follow their own themes and interests and discover the world in their own way. In doing so, we take a special interest in our environment and enable the children to discover and explore it.
We work in two groups in our centres in an open group structure. We look at the children's everyday experiences and actions and use these "fields of learning" as the basis for our daily organisation. The children can develop individually and freely, while we teachers are always there for them. We encourage language development and a love of reading through regular visits to the Nauen library.
In the year before starting school, the children have the opportunity to take part in a taster day and the Graf Arco School's day-care Olympics. In close co-operation with the Nauen fire brigade, a member of the Nauen fire brigade also conducts monthly fire safety education sessions in the year before the children start school.
Mutual appreciation and respect between parents, children and teachers are of fundamental importance to us. We monitor the development and progress of each child and discuss it in the annual development meeting. There is also an elected daycare centre committee that meets regularly to exchange ideas with the teachers and builds a bridge between the daycare centre and parents.
We offer our children full board. In addition, tea and water are available to the children throughout the day.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 29/04/2024 13:41:47)