Kita Biene Maja

ab 1,5 Jahre bis zur Beschulung in die Grundschule

Kita Biene Maja
Schützenstraße 29
14641 Nauen
Funding authority
AWO Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Potsdam gGmbH
Neuendorfer Str. 39a
14480 Potsdam
03321 455567 (Frau Tschachtschal)
Opening times6:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing days4 variable Schließtage für Fortbildungen und Brückentage; keine Ferienschließzeiten
Specially educational concept infans, partially open concept
Extras care with lunch

Current information

"Exercise and healthy eating" is a fundamental aspect of a child's good development and cannot be separated from each other.

Movement, the motor of development, is reflected in all areas of education. By experiencing, feeling and experiencing with the body, abstract connections become clearer and educational processes are stimulated.

This complex interplay guides our actions. Movement is an elementary form of thinking. We have a large selection of Hengstenberg and Pikler elements in our sports room and crèche area.

In our large garden area, we have plenty of space for movement and course elements, sensory trails and a beautiful natural garden to linger and relax. Our vegetable and herb garden is also very special, where the children can garden, watch everything grow, taste it and prepare meals from it.

Healthy eating makes you "happy and strong". A balanced and healthy variety of food, as well as the quality and freshness of the products, is very important to us. We are a sugar-free daycare center. The children are involved in designing the menu.

Offered care types at Mar 27, 2025:

Kind of care
 Krippe (Betreuung von Kindern unter 3 Jahren)
 Kindergarten (Betreuung von Kindern über 3 Jahren)