Kommunale Kindertagesstätte "Regenbogen"

Kommunale Kindertagesstätte "Regenbogen"
Schulhausplatz 2
79730 Murg
Funding authority
Gemeinde Murg
Hauptstr. 52
79730 Murg
07763/7940 (Leonie Oeschger)
Opening times7:15 AM - 1:45 PM o'clock
Closing days34 Tage (pädagogische Tage, Betriebsausflug inklusive)
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, intercultural education, livebased approach, Situation orientated approach
Extras Integrative facility, Pets, care with lunch, cooperation facility, language education
Pets Der Kindergarten verfügt über ein Aquarium.

Current information

Da wir eine kleine Einrichtung sind, haben die angemeldeten Krippenkinder nicht automatisch einen Kindergartenplatz. Wenn Sie sich einen Kindergartenplatz bei uns wünschen, melden Sie ihr Kind bitte seperat für den Kindergarten an. 


The premises of the kindergarten group are located in the basement of the house and extend over 125 m² of playable space, divided into different rooms and areas. The areas include the entrance area with parents' corner and checkroom, a preschool area, a doll corner, and a ball pool. The tour continues into the group room with a construction area and a reading corner, a studio, a research area, and an additional room that can be rearranged at any time.

The rooms of the nursery extend over the upper floor. This includes a checkroom with an adjacent movement hallway, a group room with a second level, construction area, doll corner and a reading sofa. Behind this is the dining kitchen, the bedroom, the washroom, and a studio.

In addition, the music room is located on the upper floor, as well as a large hallway where the common morning circle takes place.

Outdoor Facilities

The outdoor play area offers the children many opportunities to act out their urge to move and to experience limits. It includes several sandboxes, a nest swing, a climbing frame and a slide. There is also a water course, wooden horses and a large playhouse that connects the two areas of the nursery and kindergarten.

Another outdoor play area is our large courtyard space. The large area is particularly well suited for driving our many different vehicles.

The children have a variety of materials available to them in the outdoor area, such as balls, ropes, vehicles and chalk.


Daily Schedule

A clear daily routine with rituals gives the children structure, security and orientation, so that they can make optimal use of the intervening free spaces. Changes in the schedule or rituals are, if possible, explained or discussed and planned with the children.



In the kindergarten group, each child brings his or her breakfast from home. Tea and water are available to the children on the dining table at all times. Lunch, which is supplied by Apetito, is provided by the facility at an additional cost of €2.50.

In the crèche group, the pedagogical staff prepares breakfast, which is eaten together with the children. This is prepared fresh daily and costs € 0.50 per breakfast. Lunch is €2.50, the same as in the kindergarten.

Lunch is prepared gently in a steamer so that vitamins and nutrients are optimally preserved in the food. In order to strengthen the sense of community and to facilitate a culture of eating, we place great value on eating lunch together within the groups.

We supplement the meals with fresh fruit and vegetables from the fruit and vegetable basket, which the families bring in turn.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 10/04/2024 07:22:08)