Evangelische Kindertagesstätte "Weizenkorn"

2- Schuleintritt

Evangelische Kindertagesstätte "Weizenkorn"
Hans-Thoma-Str. 9/2
79730 Murg
Funding authority
Diakonie Waldshut-Tiengen
Waldtorstraße 1a
79761 Waldshut-Tiengen
07763/6680 (Marion Kölble)
Opening times7:30 AM - 1:30 PM o'clock
Closing days30 Tage
Foreign languages German
Denomination evangelic
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, intercultural education, open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras language education

Current information


We see our kindergarten as a place where the children like to come to develop, with all their abilities and strengths. To this end, it is very important to us to work in partnership with the parents, in which the child is the focus, because only if there is a basis of trust can the children feel comfortable with us.

The colorful variety of nationalities of the children is also reflected in our team and we are happy to be a team full of different characters and personalities.

A special feature of our facility is definitely the morning circles. On three days, these will take place in age-separated groups and on two mornings in mixed-age groups. In the age-specific group, we can support the children much more intensively at their respective stage of development and strengthen cohesion among their peers. In the mixed-age group of people, on the other hand, the younger ones learn from the role models and the older ones are considerate of the younger ones.


We see the kindergarten as a place for the children.  They are the main actors in this building and are allowed to take up space. With the exception of a few rooms, every Kiga area can be used by the children. The interior design is also geared to the needs and interests of the children. Our pedagogical approach is reflected in the interior design.

Functional rooms

  • Star Room: 
    • Large and versatile role-playing area
    • Punch and Judy Theatre and Puppet House
    • Reclining Sofa / Books
    • Generous painting and craft table
    • Adjoining room: sensory and creative experience
  • Rainbow Room:
    • large construction carpet
    • Platform for building and constructing
    • Carpet for puzzles and board games
    • Adjoining room: bookcase with reading sofa and table for creative activities
  • Sunroom
    • This room, decorated entirely in warm, sunny yellow tones, is a place when children want to retreat and play in a small group. There are only a few play materials in the room
    • If necessary, this room is also a resting and sleeping room for the little ones.
  • Entrance hall/ hallway:
    • Clearly too good to be used only as a cloakroom for the children is the spacious entrance hall. It offers space for exhibitions, a dining area and as an extended play area for puzzles, board games and plasticine.
  • Movement space:
    • In the basement we have a large octagonal movement room. With a material room in which there is a wide range of materials for movement construction sites and offers. In addition, the children also use the large hallway area in the basement for running, building and driving.


  • Intensive care room:
    • The intensive care room is located in the basement. It is used for small groups or individual work, e.g. in language support or integration assistance

Outdoor Facilities

The outdoor play area surrounds the building in an L-shape. A large door at the end of the entrance hall leads outside. The large windows of the group rooms also overlook the play area.

The outdoor area is divided into different play areas and levels.

The grounds are surrounded by bushes and shrubs where the children like to hide. The pavilion and a playhouse offer retreats. A large sandy area invites you to sanding and building. 

There is also a climbing house with a slide and two swings on the grounds.  A little off the beaten track is the mud facility. However, the wilder parts of the garden, such as the area behind the pavilion or the leaf hollows in the hedge, are also very popular with the children.  

In front of the kindergarten building there is still a large undeveloped part of the property. This free space is ideal for circle and ball games with the children.


Daily Schedule

7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.: Drop-off time; Free spin; Breakfast

9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.: Free spin; Offerings; Breakfast

9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.: Morning circle

10:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.: Breakfast for everyone

10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.: Free spin; Offerings; Walks; Excursions; outdoor area, language support; Early musical education

12:00 – 12:15: first pick-up time

12:15 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.: Lunch

12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.: Free Spin; Offerings; Walks; Outdoor area; Circle game in front of the kindergarten

13:00 – 13:30: second pick-up time


Some children come very early and haven't had breakfast yet, others come a little later and fresh from the breakfast table. Therefore, throughout the morning, the children have the opportunity to go out to eat when they are hungry or simply want to be in the mood for fellowship with their friends at the dinner table.

The children bring their own snacks and water to drink for breakfast together. In doing so, we encourage parents to make sure that they have a balanced breakfast.

At our lunch snack, the children can eat the snack prepared by the kindergarten teacher or the rest of their snack.

On the different days of the week, there is either sliced fruit, vegetables, crispbread with quark and vegetables or muesli.

On one day of the week we cook together with the children, e.g. soup, baked potatoes, vegetable casserole, etc. 

At lunch, we all sit together at the table and start eating after praying together.

We use this as a time for the children to calm down a bit and experience themselves as part of the community. Because nowhere is chatting with friends more fun than eating.

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