St. Elisabeth

Kindergarten 3 - 6 Jahre Hort Schulbeginn - 4. Klasse

St. Elisabeth
Thalbacherstraße 8
85368 Moosburg an der Isar
Funding authority
Stadt Moosburg an der Isar
Stadtplatz 13
85368 Moosburg an der Isar
Opening times7:00 AM - 5:30 PM o'clock
Closing days4 Wochen im August
2 Wochen Weihnachtsferien
2-4 Tage individuell
Foreign languages German, English, Italian, Turkish
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, inclusion, intercultural education, Situation orientated approach, Wood-Pedagogy
Therapeutic support Learning support, disability, mentally handicapped
Extras Child care with special focus on environmental education, Integrative facility, Pets, care with lunch, curative pedagogy facility, for children with special educational needs
Pets Wir haben zwei Schildkröten Kindergarten und ein Aquarium mit Zierfischen im Hort

Current information

The children's house is a place for children and their families, we want to give them everything they need for a happy and fulfilled life.
In our holistic work we take into account the different families with their religious, cultural, social and family backgrounds.

We want to show them ways of learning, because learning is a lifelong basic need of all people. Learning gives pleasure. Maintaining the children's self-motivation to learn, supporting their enthusiasm and satisfying their curiosity is very important to us. 
To do this, they need a variety of stimuli and educational opportunities. In this way, they can find their own way and develop their talents.

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Tag der offenen Türe

am 08.02.2024

14:00 - 16:00Uhr



Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 15/10/2024 14:44:36)