Hort Sonnenschein

6 bis 14 Jahre

Hort Sonnenschein
Banatstraße 27
85368 Moosburg an der Isar
Funding authority
Stadt Moosburg an der Isar
Stadtplatz 13
85368 Moosburg an der Isar
Opening times8:00 AM - 5:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysca. 30 Schließtage pro Jahr
Specially educational concept child oriented education, partially open concept
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch, full day care

Current information


Unser Hort ist ein familienunterstützender und lebendiger Lern- und Bildungsort.

Wir vermitteln jedem Kind eine optimistische Haltung und Vertrauen in die eigenen Fähigkeiten. Wir leben positives Lernen als auch ein respektvolles und soziales Miteinander. Jedem Kind wird ausreichend Raum gegeben, um mit Freude und Neugier seine Umwelt zu entdecken und Neues auszuprobieren.

„Unser Ziel ist es, jedes Kind

als Persönlichkeit und in seiner Individualität

wahrzunehmen, zu akzeptieren und wertzuschätzen.

Wir wollen in unserer Arbeit jedes Kind unterstützen, seine Stärken zu entdecken, sich mit seinen Schwächen auszusöhnen, seinen eigenen Weg zu finden und mutig zu gehen.“

Hort Sonnenschein

Unser Hort ist in erster Linie für Kindern, deren Eltern berufstätig sind. 

Unser Einzugsgebiet liegt im Schulsprengel der Grundschule Nord, der Georg–Hummel Mittelschule und dem Karl-Ritter von Frisch Gymnasium.


In the entrance area of the after-school care center you will find a pinboard with the mandatory notices and current notices as well as lists to enter (e.g. vacation list - registration). 
The office is located on the first floor. The children's checkrooms and parents' post are located in the corridor. A security door leads into the kindergarten. 
A large double door leads to the gymnasium. This is used by the kindergarten in the morning and the after-school care center in the afternoon. In the gym, the children have the opportunity to use the wall bars and various sports equipment, such as the Hengstenberg equipment from Elfriede Pickler. 
Further down on the first floor, directly opposite the entrance door, is the bear group room. This is equipped with a reading corner, a doll's corner, a building corner and a painting table. In the next room, the children have the opportunity to play on two table football tables. The children also have a large Lego corner at their disposal. 
In the shared kitchen, the children eat at three large dining tables, where there is also a kitchenette and a pantry. 
In the starfish room, there is a kitchenette and a large corner bench with two tables that can accommodate a total of 18 children. There is also a Lego corner, a reading corner, a painting table, a building corner and a glitter building block corner. In the next room, the children can relax in dreamland. In the media corner, the children can play on the Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Switch or Playstation 5 play at certain times.


Daily Schedule

11:15 - 14:00: Arrival, lunch and start with homework.

12:00 - 15:30: Homework time and free play with activities such as arts and                                                               crafts, etc.

15:30 - 16:30: Daily fixed projects such as dancing, movement, art, computer                                                             course or soccer.

16:30 - 17:30: Free play time and pick-up time


Our facility is supplied daily with freshly prepared meals from a kindergarten and school caterer. (Ascher company)

We offer the children a cozy atmosphere during lunch and the experience of a positive table culture (e.g. through conversations at the table, sitting posture).

We motivate the children to try the food in order to get to know unfamiliar things, but do not exert any pressure. When the food is handed out by the specialist staff, the child can choose their own portion size.

We also offer the children seasonal salads, vegetables or fruit.

The food is presented in an appetizing way to appeal to the children's senses and encourage them to enjoy eating.

Our pedagogical tasks include recognizing the children's needs, reflecting on them together and passing on the results to the food provider.
In addition to our lunch, we offer the children a snack together in the afternoon. This is mainly balanced and rich in vitamins (e.g. fruit, vegetables, wholemeal bread, yoghurt, pudding, etc.). Parents pay a small contribution towards expenses for this.

Various drinks (e.g. water, juice spritzer, tea) are available to the children at all times during the day. We make sure that the children drink at every meal.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 15/10/2024 14:44:36)