Kindergarten "St. Josef"

2-6 Jahre

Kindergarten "St. Josef"
Kirchplatz 5
73563 Mögglingen
Funding authority
Katholische Kirchengemeinde St. Petrus und Paulus
Pfarrgasse 4
73563 Mögglingen
07174/406 (Leitung Andrea Abzieher)
Opening times7:00 AM - 2:00 PM o'clock
Denomination roman catholic

Current information


In our kindergarten, children and adults of all nationalities, cultures and religions, with all their different abilities and developments, are very welcome. We work situation-oriented with core groups and a partially open room concept. The home group is a safe place for the child to begin their learning experiences and make their first friends. They meet there every day for a common morning circle. In our facility, children can decide for themselves about their learning paths and help shape learning processes. Depending on the interests of the children, the rooms with their educational corners are redesigned together with the children. During the free play time, the child has the freedom to choose the play location, the play material, the play partner, the play group and the duration of the play. We see our facility as a learning organization. The basis of our educational work is the orientation plan for education and training for the kindergartens in Baden-Württemberg, the Rottenburg kindergarten plan and the quality manual of the Rosenstein pastoral care unit. Our daily work focuses on the situation-oriented approach. The aim is to actively accompany the children in their self-education processes so that they can develop and expand their self, material and social skills. We want to awaken the children's resources in order to support them individually in the various areas of development. The educational offers and projects take place both in the core group and across groups. During the free play time, the children can take their own breakfast according to their individual needs. The children in all-day care receive a freshly prepared lunch every day. We are supplied by the Johanniter from Heubach. Our kindergarten takes part in the EU school fruit program. At the beginning of the week we receive fresh fruit and vegetables from the Mäck organic farm. In order to meet the children's natural urge to move and to experience diverse experiences in nature with them, we offer the opportunity to do so on a daily basis. The children experience this through free play and targeted offers in the gym or garden and excursions in the forest, meadow and in the village. We support children with intensive language training needs through the measures financed by the state of Baden-Württemberg: Singing - Moving - Speaking in cooperation with the Rosenstein Music School. This takes place once a week in the kindergarten. With intensive language training (ISK), the children are supported and encouraged by a qualified language teacher.

The future school starters of both kindergartens are prepared for school with the help of targeted learning and support offers, excursions ... in the so-called MaJo Bear Club. The cooperation afternoons at the Limes School, which make the transition easier, are an important component of this.

You can also find information about our childcare facilities on the website of the pastoral care unit Rosenstein   Kiga-St-Josef.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 18/01/2024 14:32:28)