Kath. Kindergarten St. Quirinus

2 Jahre 6 Monate bis Einschulung

Kath. Kindergarten St. Quirinus
Prinz-Karl-Allee 11
83684 Tegernsee
Funding authority
Kath. Kirchenstiftung St. Quirinus Teg.
Seestr. 23
83684 Tegernsee
08022/4602 (Susanne Kirchner)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysmaximal 30 Schließtage + 5 Fortbildungstage
(Öffnungszeit : freitags bis 15 Uhr)
Denomination roman catholic
Extras care with lunch
Pets nein

Current information


Our Catholic kindergarten “St. Quirinus” is a family-complementary and supportive facility for 75 children, who are cared for in 3 groups according to the situation-oriented approach (Bavarian education and upbringing plan). Our aim is to help children from different backgrounds to understand their environment and to shape it in a self-determined, competent and responsible way.

We are networked and cooperate with various institutions that are important for the well-being of the children and their families.

Our facility is surrounded by a large natural garden, which we use all year round. The elementary school, the town center, the lake and the larch forest are just a few minutes' walk away.

Continuous training and further education are a matter of course for us.

We are a harmonious and open-minded team.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 04/03/2025 08:39:49)