KiTa "Wichtelhaus"

Kinder im Alter von 1-6 Jahren

KiTa "Wichtelhaus"
Manfred-Kyber-Straße 8
74544 Michelbach an der Bilz
Funding authority
Gemeinde Michelbach an der Bilz
Hirschfelder Str. 13
74544 Michelbach an der Bilz
0791/48916 (Lisa Röhrich)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days22
Extras care with lunch, flexible care, full day care

Current information


Welcome to the Wichtelhaus,

We look after children aged 3 to 6 years in two kindergarten groups and children aged 1 to 3 years in two crèche groups, each with 10 children. The crèche is located in the basement of the building and can be reached via a separate entrance.

Our doors are open to all children and families from all backgrounds.

We have a partially open concept at the centre. This allows us a certain amount of time in the respective home group, but also time for cross-group interaction. Our crèche children spend their day in their home group. At drop-off and pick-up time, they play together in the same room.

The two toddler groups in the building allow for an easy transition to kindergarten from the age of three. Unfortunately, we cannot offer every child a place in the kindergarten. This depends on various factors (booking time and sibling regulations).

We cultivate an appreciative attitude towards the children, families and among the teachers. We see the children as individuals with their own wishes and needs. We always keep an eye on each child and adapt our daily routine if necessary. As educational professionals, we want to accompany the children in their everyday lives and offer them the support they need. They should simply feel "at home" (Swabian word for a feel-good atmosphere) and seen by us.

We look forward to looking after you

Daily Schedule

Our daily routine

7:30 - 8:00 a.m. common bring time in a group

 from 8:00 - 8:45 time in the respective group

8:45 - 9:00 a.m. Morning circle followed by breakfast

09:30-10:30 Free play with various activities

-Every Tuesday is club day. Here the children are divided into age-specific groups. The responsible teachers prepare activities or small projects that are adapted to the age of the children.


10:30 am Garden time

12:00 Lunch divided into hot and cold eaters

12:30-13:30 Lunch break in the respective groups

13:30-14:30 Supervision in one of the two group rooms 

Afternoon service 14:30-16:30


We offer a warm lunch for our kindergarten groups. If you have booked VÖ or VÖ+ care, you can book lunch as an option. However, if you would like to take advantage of full-day care, lunch is included in the fee.

We are supplied by Meyer Menü from a branch in Neckarsulm. The caterer provides us with a varied menu every day, which we can choose ourselves in the kindergarten. A weekly menu is displayed in the kindergarten foyer for parents to view.

Since this kindergarten year, we have been participating in the EU school fruit programme. As a centre, we receive a weekly quota of fruit and vegetables per child. This is intended to encourage the children to try foods they are not yet familiar with and to demonstrate the connection to healthy eating.

The municipality of Michelbach an der Bilz bears a proportion of the costs.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 09/01/2024 13:12:53)