KiTa Sonnenschein

Für Kinder von 1 bis 3 Jahren.

KiTa Sonnenschein
Heimradstraße 19
88605 Meßkirch
Funding authority
Stadt Meßkirch
Conradin-Kreutzer-Straße 1
88605 Meßkirch
07575 9256576 (Frau Paulina Hain)
Opening times7:30 AM - 1:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysWerden über den Kitakalender den Eltern bekannt gemacht.

Current information


In our municipal day care center, we accompany 10 nursery children in each of 2 groups.


Specifically geared to the age group, we support and encourage each child

in our nursery individually based on their stage of development.

We offer him the space to constantly expand his social and creative wealth of experience.


Further details can be found here on the homepage Meßkirch.


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 25/03/2024 11:41:44)