Kath. KiTa St. Christophorus

Für Kinder ab dem 1.Lebensjahr bis zur Einschulung

Kath. KiTa St. Christophorus
Feldherrnstraße 6
88605 Meßkirch
Funding authority
Kirchengemeinde St. Martin
Postfach 1662
72486 Sigmaringen
07575 1275 (Frau Anke Wiskandt)
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:15 PM o'clock
lunch closing1:30 PM - 2:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysWerden gesondert über den Kita Kalender bekanntgegeben

Current information


Catholic Kindergarten St. Christophorus Rohrdorf

The carrier of our institution is the Catholic parish of Meßkirch-Sauldorf.

Our kindergarten is located in the middle of Rohrdorf. Children from the three villages of Heudorf, Langenhart and Rohrdorf as well as from Meßkirch visit the facility. The kindergarten offers a nursery group and two kindergarten groups with the forms of regular care and extended opening hours.
Our house makes it possible to look after and educate the children entrusted to us in a calm, appreciative and family atmosphere and in educational partnership with the parents. It is very important to us to see every single child and to strengthen them in their basic social needs.  

For this reason, there are regular educational offers on the program, which are not based on age, but on the level of development of the children.
Since January 2011, our institution has been allowed to call itself Bildungshaus. Kindergarten and primary school combine parts of their educational offerings.

We are in the process of BeKi certification and show that a pleasurable and balanced eating behavior as well as the everyday nutrition education of the children is important to us.

Opening hours according to childcare offer

Regular group and age mix (2 - 6 years):
Model 1
Monday to Friday
07:30 to 12:30
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
14:00 to 16:15

Model 2
Monday to Friday
07:30 to 13:30

Nursery (1 - 3 years):
Monday to Friday
07:30 to 13:30

Further information and our kindergarten concept can be found on the homepage of the city of Meßkirch under the following link:

Kath. Kindergarten St. Christophorus Rohrdorf

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the kindergarten management - Anke Wiskandt.

Phone Number: 07575 1275
Mail: kindergarten.rohrdorf@messkirch-sauldorf.de


Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 25/03/2024 11:41:43)