Hort clara&felix

Grundschüler von der 1. bis 4. Klasse

Hort clara&felix
Amberieustraße 6
86415 Mering
Funding authority
Frére-Roger-Kinderzentrum GmbH
Prälat-Bigelamir-Str. 22
86154 Augsburg
08233 2120904 (Frau Aunkofer)
08233 2120904 (Frau Aunkofer)
Opening times11:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysDer Hort hat über Weihnachten, die zweite Osterferienwoche und drei Wochen im August geschlossen.
Weitere Schließtage werden rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben.
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept open concept, project approach
Extras Integrative facility, care with lunch

Current information

Integrativer Hort:

- täglich bis 16:30 Uhr geöffnet



Since September 2020, the Frére-Roger-Kinderzentrum in Augsburg has been responsible for running the center.

In our facility, each child is regarded as an individual with all its strengths and weaknesses and is accepted by us. The children in all groups are cared for, educated and encouraged on an equal footing.

Acceptance and appreciation are experienced and made tangible. All children benefit from the pedagogical competence in the area of integration. Consideration, tolerance and the assumption of responsibility for others are the foundations of our competencies in daily interaction with each other.

Children who require a place for integration are integrated into our groups - without making this visible to the outside world. In this way we avoid stigmatization. These children also receive additional support that meets their needs.


Our partner for lunch catering is Kita Catering Mödl.

The food is professionally delivered to the after-school care center in appropriate containers and served in the dining room. Due to the different arrival times of the children, meals are eaten in two to three stages.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 20/02/2025 08:31:38)