Nicole Zimmer

1 - 3 Jahre / 1 - 3 years

Nicole Zimmer
Nossener Straße 203
01662 Meißen
Funding authority
Stadt Meißen
Markt 1
01662 Meißen
03521 413661
Opening times7:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days30 Urlaubstage, 2 Weiterbildungstage

30 vacation days, 2 training days
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, livebased approach, nature education, project approach, Situation approach
Extras care with lunch

Current information


My name is Nicole Zimmer. I am 51 years old and a mother of two children.

I have been working as a childminder since 2009. My qualifications include training as a qualified day care worker and further training in the Saxon educational plan for child day care.

My day care centre is located in a very quiet area away from traffic in the district of Meißen Korbitz. The two bus stops of the VGM Meißen nearby make it easy to reach the day care centre by public transport. It is also possible to bring and pick up the day care children by private car.

My day care centre is located in the middle of the countryside, on the outskirts of Meißen and close to the Meißen city forest. This allows the children to explore and discover the surrounding nature and to get plenty of exercise in the fresh air.

The premises of my day care centre are located in a terraced house. The children have a separate playroom and bedroom as well as a small cloakroom at their disposal. Furthermore, the children can move freely in my large garden. There are many toys available, such as a climbing tower with slide, a sandbox, cars and much more.

A healthy diet is also part of a child's well-being. Therefore, as a childminder, I strive to offer fresh and varied food every day, which I prepare myself, taking into account the children's wishes.

I look after children aged 1 to 3 years in my day care centre. Together we create a varied daily routine, whereby I attach great importance to a structured daily routine. As a childminder, I actively support the children in developing their own personality and inclinations. For this purpose, I give the children enough space and time.

Due to the small group size, I am able to offer the day care children a family atmosphere and to respond individually to the needs of each child.

If you are interested in a place in my day care centre, please feel free to contact me and make an appointment for a visit.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 19/09/2022 14:50:53)