Kita Knirpsenland

altersreine Krippengruppen; altersgemischte Kindergartengruppen / age-only crèche groups; mixed-age kindergarten groups

Kita Knirpsenland
Hainstraße 21
01662 Meißen
Funding authority
DRK Kita Dresdner Umland gGmbH
Forststraße 26
01445 Radebeul
03521 733568 (Frau Lindner)
Opening times6:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
early care6:00 AM - 7:00 AM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysan sogenannten Brückentagen und zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr

on so-called bridge days and between Christmas and New Year
Specially educational concept child oriented education, livebased approach, partially open concept
Extras Integrative facility, Pets, care with lunch, for children with special educational needs, full day care
Pets Aquarien mit Fischen, Terrarien mit Einsiedlerkrebsen, 2 Schildkröten, Projekt "Hund" Aquariums with fish, terrariums with hermit crabs, 2 turtles, "dog" project

Current information


In our facility, we care for a total of 135 children aged from 1 year to school entry in 4 crèche groups and 6 kindergarten groups. If necessary, our house can accommodate up to 8 integrated children.

Our facility is conveniently and quietly located on the "Heiligen Grund".


Our day care centre is a meeting place for families. We offer parents regular parent and development meetings. We offer family and grandma-grandpa afternoons for the whole family, among other things. Other highlights in the kindergarten year are our annual children's festival and the Christmas market. Our kindergarten holidays and our "Zuckertütenfest" are very popular with the children. Projects and theme weeks are carried out in the day care centre according to the interests and needs of the children.

Internal offers

ABC Club and Children's Red Cross Group

External offers

Swimming course

We offer themed functional rooms

  • Building room
  • Role play room
  • Music room
  • Library
  • Multi-purpose room with movement facilities
  • Relaxation room


Our facility is built at ground level and extends over an 8,000 sqm outdoor area. The kindergarten itself offers over 1,500 sqm of space for playing, learning, discovering, experimenting, acting independently as well as relaxing. The children are given a feeling of safety and security through our effective spatial concept. This feeling encourages the children to explore their environment and to test themselves in order to gain new and, above all, important experiences.

When guests, parents and children enter our facility, they immediately notice the light-flooded entrance area, where there is plenty of space for notices and information for and about our children's home. In addition to the presentation of our team, the menu, current information from and for parents as well as current highlights of the facility can be found there.

Our foyer, which offers plenty of space for playing, displays handicrafts made by the children in our showcases and shows our annual tree with all the highlights, is divided into three directions that lead to the individual areas of "Knirpsenland". The adjoining "Room for Many Things" is used for meetings of the whole house, such as the Liedergarten, children's conferences, the ABC Club or the Children's Red Cross. It also offers space for various celebrations, such as grandma-grandpa days or children's birthdays. Furthermore, we offer the children opportunities for movement with various gymnastic materials.

Our kindergarten area

The kindergarten is located in the eastern and northern part of our facility and is divided into the areas Rainbow, Smart Mice and Forest Dwarves. Two groups each form the named area.

The group rooms are each equipped with a mezzanine level where the children can pursue their individual play and have the opportunity to withdraw. Each group room is designed in a different colour and thus offers different stimuli for the children's games and encourages aesthetic perception. Together with the children, each educator designs the group room according to the children's needs and themes. The educators use the room as a "third educator". It offers space for communication and interaction as well as for experimentation and is the meeting place for the whole group at mealtimes. At lunchtime, the group room is converted into a sleeping room. The sleeping mats and the children's bedding are stored in mat cabinets in the group room.

The large magnetic board in front of the group rooms offers guests, parents and colleagues an insight into our work and provides information about upcoming activities. The children's creative handicrafts also find their rightful place here.

There is a cloakroom in each area, which can be distinguished from each other by colourful designs. Each child has two compartments and three hooks here. The children's backpacks and rubber boots find their place in the trolleys provided.

The individual washrooms are equipped with age-appropriate sanitary facilities. To accommodate the children's intimacy, there are partitions with doors between the toilets in the kindergarten area. To encourage the children's independence, all towels and brushes are labelled with symbols and children's names. The washbasins, which have different heights, can also be used for "muddling" and experimenting, in addition to teaching cleanliness.

The colourful design of "Knirpsenland" refers not only to the walls in the cloakroom and group rooms, but also to our doors. In addition to the pictograms on each door, which serve as orientation, a distinction is also made between red and orange doors. The red doors are staff doors, for example for the kitchen, cleaning rooms and staff toilets. These rooms may not be opened and entered by the children. All orange doors may be opened and entered independently by children. For example, the children's washrooms, the creative room and all group rooms. In addition to the "Room for Many Things", there are other themed rooms in the kindergarten area such as the construction room, the creative workshop, the "Room of Sounds" and the "Room for Numbers and Letters" (children's library). These rooms and their use are designed together with the children.

Our crèche area

The crèche groups are located in the western area. Here too, two groups form one area. The Sonnenkäfer team is located in the front part. Adjacent to this is the Elbwichtel area. Each group room is equipped with a play and movement level that can be moved individually. In the crèche area, there is a special colour scheme for the group rooms and bedrooms of the groups. These are identical in order to make it easier for the crèche children to find their way around independently and to ensure better orientation.

As in the kindergarten, each area in the crèche has its own washroom, which is also equipped with a changing unit. Here, too, there are symbols and names on the towel hooks for the children's better orientation. The bedrooms are located opposite the group rooms. As in the kindergarten, the cloakroom area is equipped with rubber boot and backpack trolleys and a magnetic wall.

In the themed rooms, such as the "Room of Dreams" and the "Room of Costumes", the children can let their imagination run wild.

Outdoor Facilities

Our outdoor area is divided into four large parts. These are divided into our utility garden, two kindergarten playgrounds and our crèche playground. These areas have been laid out and planted with different levels and surfaces.

Each group room is bordered by a terrace in the outdoor area, which can be reached directly via an entrance in the group room. On the terraces, there are two large solid wooden table sets per group, which are used in good weather, e.g. to take meals outside.

Our spacious car park offers enough space for parking and is designed in a friendly and open way. The trees and bushes blend in well with the rest of the outdoor area of our facility. We offer parents the opportunity to store prams, bicycle seats and similar items in our pram room until the child is collected.

Kindergarten playgrounds

The playground of the kindergarten area is equipped with a roller track, a sandpit and another sandpit with an integrated mud track, a climbing course with a climbing tree, a ground-level trampoline, a nest swing, a slackline, a seesaw and a small explorer forest. The adjacent forest, which invites children to play hide-and-seek and explore, also serves as a sunshade in hot temperatures. Our explorer forest is equipped with play walls and boards. In our nest swing, which all children love to use, they can relax, dream and swing. The climbing course invites children to climb, balance, shimmy, jump and slide. The large roller rink is very popular with all the children at our facility.

The child-friendly painting on the stones and the roller rink offer suggestions for individual play. In the nearby vehicle shed there are small bikes, scooters, tricycles and other steerable vehicles.

Chrèche playground

In addition to a nest swing and a slide, the crib playground offers several opportunities for climbing and balancing, a crawling tunnel and a generously designed sandbox. The playground invites the children to discover and explore through sufficient opportunities for movement and play. The sand area offers the children great design possibilities and space for different play ideas, e.g. digging in the sand or building a large sand castle. The nest swing invites the children to dream, linger and rest.

For gross motor development, we offer the children inclined levels to climb up and down as well as a variety of play, play and climbing possibilities, which the children use with great joy and enthusiasm.

Beds / Garden

At the back of our property is a kitchen garden. The children have created this garden together with their teachers. We have the opportunity to grow flowers, vegetables and herbs on our separate beds. Together with the children, the beds are prepared, raked and weeds pulled before the desired vegetables/fruits can be grown. The aim is to give the children an understanding of food and to strengthen their enjoyment of nature. It is important for us that the children see how much time fruit, vegetables and herbs need before we can eat them. Furthermore, they should see what can grow from a small seed and how much care it needs. The plants grown are then harvested with the children and made into delicious food.

Daily Schedule

The daily structure serves as a basis for the children's orientation, safety and security. At the welcome, each child hands in his or her child ID card to the educator. This provides an overview of persons authorised to pick up the child and quick access to emergency numbers. When the child is picked up, he/she takes this card back to the cloakroom.

Every morning at 8:45 a.m., one teacher from each area meets for a short consultation. The topics discussed are special features of the daily routine, planned staffing and educational activities. Depending on which activities and plans are planned, the daily routine can be individually adapted. The children's acclimatisation and re-acclimatisation, projects and group-internal activities are taken into account.

In the morning circle, we talk with the children about the day and their wishes. After consultation with the group teacher, the children can choose their own play activity, play partner and play location during free play time.

The weekly activities for our preschoolers are integrated into the daily routine:

  • Swimming course
  • Children's Red Cross
  • ABC Club

Our daily routine in the crèche area:

6:00 a.m. - Opening of the nursery

7:00 a.m. - the crèche children go to their area with a teacher

7:45 a.m. - breakfast together in the crèche

8:15 a.m. - going to the toilet and washing hands

8:30 a.m. - free play in the individual areas

9:00 a.m. - individual morning circle with chatter, songs, finger plays and rhymes

                 Planned group activities and inter-group play can take place

9:30 a.m. - fruit / vegetable break

9:45 a.m. - depending on the weather, free play in the outdoor area or in the nursery school

10:45 a.m./11:00 a.m. - lunch (the children are encouraged to take their own lunch)

11:30 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. - nap time

2:15 p.m. - snack

2:30 p.m. - depending on the weather, free play in the outdoor area or in the Kinderhaus

5:00 p.m. - our nursery closes

Our daily routine in the kindergarten area:

6:00 a.m. - opening of the nursery school

7:00 a.m. - the children go to the rooms in the "Schlaumäuse" area

8:00 a.m. - all kindergarten children have breakfast together

8:30 a.m. - the children go to their group rooms and can play there

9:00 a.m. - common morning circle

9:15 a.m. - day-specific activities and free play throughout the nursery school

10:00 a.m. - fruit and vegetable break

10:15 a.m. - depending on the weather, play in the children's house, on the outdoor area or walks.

11:30 a.m. - lunch

12:00 p.m. - preparation for nap

12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. - nap (preschool children who cannot sleep may get up at 13:00)

2:30 p.m. - snack together

3:00 p.m. - depending on the weather, children play in the nursery or on the outside area.

5:00 p.m. - our nursery closes

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 24/11/2022 11:15:42)