Kinderhaus "An der alten Ziegelei"

ab Ende Mutterschutz bis zur Einschulung / from the end of maternity leave until school enrolment

Kinderhaus "An der alten Ziegelei"
An der alten Ziegelei 2
01662 Meißen
Funding authority
Trägerwerk Soziale Dienste in Sachsen GmbH
Industriestraße 21
01129 Dresden
03521 4568777 (Lisa Strehle)
Opening times6:00 AM - 5:00 PM o'clock
early care6:00 AM - 7:00 AM o'clock
late care4:30 PM - 5:00 PM o'clock
Closing daysImmer Zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr sowie an zwei/drei Tagen im Jahr, die rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben werden.

Always between Christmas and New Year and on two/three days a year, which will be announced in good time.
Foreign languages English
Specially educational concept child oriented education, inclusion, livebased approach, partially open concept, project approach, Situation approach, Situation orientated approach
Therapeutic support Logopedia, speech therapy, occupational therapy, early advancement, disability, mentally handicapped
Extras Barrier-free, Integrative facility, care with lunch, ergotherapy, for children with special educational needs, language education

Current information


The children's home "An der alten Ziegelei" has five group units that are age-appropriate and individually designed according to the educational areas of the Saxon education plan. Additional sleeping quarters are available for the crèche children. Almost all group units have washrooms and each unit has a wardrobe.

Other spatial offers are:

  • a cozy entrance area, which invites you to linger with a small couch
  • A multi-purpose room with a children's kitchen, which is used both for cooking and baking with the children and as an exercise room for sports activities
  • a themed room, currently a dressing-up room with a doll's corner and a stage
  • a reading room and integration room with many beautiful children's books à this is also used for parent talks and therapies

Outdoor Facilities

The outdoor area of ​​our day care center has sand, grass and concrete surfaces, which the children can use to carry out various activities such as:

  • Playing with sand toys
  • Bobbycar or scooter rides, wheel and bicycle rides
  • Play ball
  • Jumping with the jump rope
  • Experimenting with different materials such as wood, stones, sand, tires and water on the movement construction site/mud area
  • Painting with chalk etc. can be used

Furthermore, the children have a nest swing, a climbing frame, a climbing wall, a mud area, a slide, a small garden shed and goals for playing football. Outside there are also small herb beds and a raised bed for tending.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 20/09/2022 13:54:40)