
2 Jahre bis Schuleintritt / 2 years until school entry

Wettinstraße 15
01662 Meißen
Funding authority
Caritasverband für das Dekanat Meißen e.V.
Wettinstraße 15
01662 Meißen
03521 4767500 (Frau Christina Händler)
Opening times6:30 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing daysFreitag nach Christi Himmelfahrt;
zweite und dritte Ferienwoche (Sommerferien);
zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr

Friday after Ascension Day;
second and third week of holidays (summer holidays);
between Christmas and New Year
Denomination roman catholic
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, partially open concept
Extras care with lunch, full day care

Current information


kindergarten „Franziskus-Kinderhaus“

The kindergarten is located in Meißen, in the district of Triebischtal, together with (Catholic) church and vicarage. The Franziskus-Kinderhaus is a service offering by the church and open to all.

Our educational work is based on the Christian image of man. The house should be a place where acceptance and charity are a basic requirement for further education. In a side road, close to the small river Triebisch, our house is located quietly away from the main road.

The kindergarten is easily accessible by train or bus. Short-term parking slots make it possible to bring and pick up the children by car.

We have space for 63 children aged 2 to 6 years.


In the course of a day, every child seeks activity or rest, tension or relaxation, the opportunity to venture forth or to retreat at certain times; they need the loud and the quiet.

We try to design our house accordingly.

Each room has a theme: Studio; role play; building/construction; library; movement/dance; in the yard: building site; water/sand; climbing; hiding; role play; workbench.

The children increasingly decide independently where and with whom they want to work or play.

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 19/09/2022 15:28:54)