Antje Queißer

ab dem 10 Monat bis zum 3 Lebensjahr betreue ich die Kinder.

Antje Queißer
Am Hohen Gericht 57
01662 Meißen
Funding authority
Stadt Meißen
Markt 1
01662 Meißen
0162 4956566 (Antje Queißer)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:00 PM o'clock
Closing days30 Schließtage (Urlaub) und 2 Weiterbildungstage im Jahr. Nach meinem Sommerurlaub bekommen Sie den Urlaubsplan für das darauf folgende Jahr von mir.

30 closing days and 2 training days per year. After my summer vacation, you will receive the vacation schedule for the following year from me.
Specially educational concept child oriented education, daily routine language education, livebased approach, nature education, partially open concept
Extras care with lunch
Pets Mein Sohn hat 1 Zwergkaninchen sein Name ist Karl. Im Sommer ist er draußen im Garten und ab Herbst ist er wieder bei uns drin. My son has 2 dwarf rabbits called Bärbel and Karl.

Current information


My name is Antje Queißer.  I was born in 1977 in Meißen, have a son and live in a stable and happy partnership. 

I have been working as a childminder in Meißen since September 2011. My qualifications include training as a qualified day care worker and further training in the Saxon educational plan in child day care.

My day care "Kleine Bärenbande" is located opposite the Kynastiedlung with little road traffic and lots of green behind our house. Bus stops of the VGM Meißen are nearby. This will enable you to reach my day care centre optimally by public transport. 

I look after children aged 1-3 years in my day care centre. Together we create a varied daily routine. It is very important that we have a structured daily routine. As a childminder, I actively support your children in developing their own personality. For this, I give your children enough freedom and sufficient time.

In order for your children to develop well and healthily, I pay attention to a healthy and varied diet. Therefore, all meals (breakfast-lunch-meal) are prepared by me.

In autumn and until spring, I take my day care children to children's sports once a week. It is important to me that we are also active during the winter months. 

My opening hours are Monday - Friday from 07:00 a.m. - 16:00 p.m.

Child day care means: comfortable care ratio (max. 1 : 5), one caregiver, care costs as in a crèche, family environment, child-friendly premises, work according to the Saxon Education Plan, annual inspection by the Youth Welfare Office, reduction of the parental contribution possible.

If you have any further questions about my day care Antje's "Kleine Bärenbande" or if you are looking for a place for your child, please feel free to contact me by phone. I would be happy to receive a call from you. 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 06/05/2024 12:30:28)